Crushes and Jealousy

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The Jeon brothers are currently at the living room having one of their movie nights. The maknae line keep on throwing annoyed glances towards the youngest who was lying on the couch with his head on Namjoon's lap. Meanwhile, Yoongi is grunting in displeasure while sitting on the floor. You might be wondering what put them in such a bad mood. Well, it has to do with a certain maknae who has been giggling cutely while fiddling with his phone.

"Yah! Jinnie, what's got you so interested that you can't even put down your phone?" Hobi asked curiously.

Jin smile shyly. While contemplating what to tell them, Yoongi suddenly snatched the phone out of his hand. "Who the fuck is Park Chanyeol? " Yoongi asked in a murderous tone while reading the messages on Jin's phone.

Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook all turned to look at Jin with narrowed eyes. They knew who the guy is. He is the son of the president of the university. Stuck-up rich bastard who's already in his last year at the university. How the heck did Jin met that asshole?

Jin begins biting his lips in nervousness. Namjoon gave him a reassuring smile.

"A-ah, he's a senior at the university and we were paired up for the upcoming play that the drama club is putting together."

"Then what's with this mushy messages?" Yoongi still has a dark look on his face.

"I-I kind of h-have a c-crush on him. H-he's a nice guy. He, umm..w-wants to date m-me." he said with a blush on his face while averting his eyes from his brothers faces.

Right after he said that a sound of a loud crash sounded through the living room. Everybody in the room turned there heads towards the sound. Seokjin's phone which was in Yoongi's hand now laid shattered on the floor.

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