Sun spot

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Hoseok's POV

I sat quietly beside the sleeping form of Seokjin while caressing his soft hair gently. I can't help the smile on my face when I saw him scrunched his nose cutely. Even when asleep he's still adorable. While looking at his beautiful face I can't help remembering the past that made me to what I am today.

I can still remember the day when Jin came to our lives.Jin was six and I just turned twelve. It was the happiest day of my life, because finally, I will have someone in the family who I can relate to. Aside from our parents, nobody else knows that just like Seokjin, I'm also a adopted child. I accidentally discover it when I was eleven years old. Me and my brothers are playing hide and seek. I hid in our parents' closet. That's where I saw the adoption paper. And I finally understood why I was treated differently. Whether I fail or I Excell at something our parents doesn't give a care. But it's different when it comes to my brothers. If they fail, they always have comforting words for them. If they do well, they are showered with praises. But I don't mind it that much. And then Seokjin came. Everybody adored him, loved him instantly the moment he was brought into the family. I was jealous of him at first but then, Seokjin smiled at me. He called me hyung and stuck beside me like a glue. He chose ME and not my brothers. I was so happy that time. I finally have someone who actually see me, who likes me for me. But my brothers, I hate them! As we grew older, they started to take Jinnie away from me. Jinnie, Jinnie is all I have who genuinely loves me and they still wants him for themselves even though they already have everything. Our parents' love, good looks and talent. I was always the odd one. The obscure son of the Kim's. I really, really hate them! All of them. But it's fine now. Because the very person all of them desires will be mine. And I'll finally be above them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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