Battling Draconos

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(Hannah's P.O.V)

     I had just gotten up from a night's worth of sleep and I was finally up and moving I decided to see if Logan was up. I wanted to see what he was doing besides hiding in the forge and always forging stuff, but he's been doing that a lot more recently. I was wanting to know why but it's like a big secret that he's hiding. If it is then I understand but if it's not then why hide it.

      Once I got to his cabin the door was still wide open and Cassidi was still in bed so I started thinking about where he could be when I decided to check out the central house in the village cause that's where Logan stays at with Caeleigh. I walked that way but I stopped because some part of me knew he wouldn't be there. 'Where could he be?' I thought. 'He's not here and he's not with Caeleigh so where could he be?'

     An idea popped up into my head as I headed to the hosue I was staying in, and once I got there I went inside and grabbed the thing Sydney gave me before she left find Logan. I had only used it once as I just wanted him to comfort me. I put it on my right wrist and pressed two buttons on either side to get nothing. I said, ''Logan where the hell could you be?''

   'Okay so I know he's not in his cabin,' I thought. 'or with Caeleigh, and he didn't answer when I communicated him so what's the fucking deal? Could he be in the one next to Sydney's house cause I know he picked that one. It's wierd though I haven't felt his energy or aura around here since last night before him and Sydney disappeared. Where else could I check for him? There's the realms and the cave, but I could've felt his energy from outside the cave if he was here. So I know he's not there but is there any where else I could check for him? Wait I could ask Sydney if she's seen Logan any where.'

      That was the plan so I walked over to Sydney's place and knocked on the door once I got there. I got no answer so I knocked again to yield the same result. 'Okay that's weird she's not here either,' I thought. 'Okay what exactly am I thinking? I mean if Sydney's gone and Logan's gone then that means they went for an early morning training session. Or they wanted time alone which I could understand that. It's so fucking obvious to me that they started being a couple on Friday. I mean can no one else see it. The way they talked to each other when Logan said something about his darkness.'

      I laughed a little knowing I was right about what I just thought. Then I just decided to head to the library to read about what other powers I have. Because I didn't fully understand them yet. I turned around and walked to the library and once I got there I opened the door and walked in grabbing the book I did last time and sitting at a table opening to the powers page. Then I started reading so that way I could get a better idea on how to control the rest of my powers.

      Once I was halfway through the powers I knew a little bit more than what I originally did so I was thankful for that, but before I moved on I summoned my sword and put it on the table with the collection of orbs surrounding it. Then I continued reading as I started learning more on the black orb and what it's actually for. I stopped when I finished reading that section and grabbed the only black orb thinking, 'So in order for me to use this I need to stab someone with enough darkness or stab the darkness itself to be able to use the full power of it.'

     I thought about Logan and how he said he had darkness in his heart. 'If I stab him in the heart will I kill him or will I absorb the darkness from his heart and make it my own,' I thought. 'No I won't use this power until I need to or until I need to save someone from his or her darkness.'

     I looked at the rest of the orbs and saw many of the colors that I had seen before. I knew what they could do and what I could use them for now. I grabbed one at random and put it in the palm of my hand to have energy surround it and then it glowed the same color.

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