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Taehyung was hit by an air-conditioned atmosphere and the mouthwatering smell of greasy food as he swung open the door to Panda Express. His eyes scanned over the restaurant, landing on the back of a familiar head of hair. He smiled, making his way over to the table. He knew he was about twenty minutes late but it couldn't be helped. He'd had car trouble, giving up and deciding to take a taxi instead. It only occurred to him to text or call Namjoon. He slid into the booth on the opposite side of the older man. Namjoon's face lit up in surprise when he did, his mouth half full of noodles, his eyes wide and his actions paused. Taehyung laughed at the way the noodles were still hanging out of his mouth as he quickly slurped them up, resuming his eating.

"You didn't wait on me?" He pouted.

Namjoon hurriedly chewed and swallowed, "You never showed up!"

"I'm sorry," And Taehyung meant it, "My car wouldn't start and I had to take a taxi."

Namjoon nodded, "Do you want to get anything to eat?" he asked hesitantly, tilting his head in the direction of the cashier counter.

Taehyung laughed, "Yeah. I'll be right back."

Namjoon nodded, his teeth digging into his plump bottom lip. Taehyung almost groaned.

"Don't bite your lip, I want to do that."

Before Namjoon could splutter out a retort, Taehyung had taken off to go get and pay for his food. Namjoon watched him pick out his food and pay before the younger was back at his table, sliding into the opposite booth with a grin. The two of them dug into their food silently, chewing and appreciating the taste of good junk food.

In an attempt to start a small conversation Namjoon stammered out something he had read in a magazine a few days ago while he had been hanging out with Hoseok at the dentist, "Do you realize that we never stop tasting out tongues?"

Taehyung's dark eyes flicked up from his food, a small smile stretching around his chicken, "Oh? How about I taste yours for a change?"

Namjoon almost choked on his noodles. He took a long swig of his soda before setting the paper cup back on the table ad glaring at the younger, "What?"

Taehyung shrugged, his smirk lighting up his handsome face, "They say your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Wanna fight?"

Namjoon gave him a warning glance, "Taehyung,"

The younger giggled to himself, not pushing any farther but also poking his tongue out at Namjoon in a playful manner, much like a child would do. It was cute but Namjoon kept that to himself.

They finished their meal, Taehyung deciding that they would go get ice cream – his treat – for an apology for being late. Namjoon didn't argue with him. Why would he? Free ice cream was like a dream come true, anyone would be crazy to argue that.

It was short walk to the creamery and Taehyung ordered vanilla ice cream in a cone without even looking at all the other options.

Namjoon made a face at him, "That's the simplest kind you could have picked,"

Taehyung chuckled, leaning in to whisper into Namjoon's ear, "I may like my ice cream vanilla, but I promise I'm anything but in bed."

Namjoon pulled back quickly, his face flushing. He busied himself with looking at all the different flavors and trying to ignore the look on Taehyung's face. The younger looked like he was about to crack up laughing and Namjoon knew it was because of his reaction. He finally selected his ice cream, deciding on chocolate cookie dough.

The two left, walking down the sidewalk, peering into shop windows or perhaps just walking side by side in a comfortable silence. It wasn't until the sun started to go down that Namjoon mentioned he needed to be heading home. Taehyung found that he had walked from his home to Panda Express and so Taehyung offered to walk home with him.

Against Namjoon's better judgement, he agreed.


Kind of a filler chapter, I'm sorry if it sucks! Let me know if you want the next chapter to be hawt or fluffy. I might post it tonight depending on how much time I have :)

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