The big house

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His house was a mansion with a large drive way with a fountain in the middle. Walking into the lounge I was met with a large yard with an infinity pool right outside. Luca's offer sounded like a dream come true but I knew I could not take it. He was dangerous and I had to stay away from that. I opened the fridge to find it full to the brim with food, I didn't want to take something and have him think that's how poor I was so I settled for only eating an apple knowing I need to eat something after that tablet. I took one last look at the amazing house before I walked out the door.

A big strong man with a buzz cut and sunglasses came walking up to me. "Wait here please and I'll go fetch a car" wow no name no small talk just get it done. Before I could think about that a Audi suv pulled up next to me, buzz cut got out and opened the back door for me to get in and then we started the drive back into the city. "Can I ask you something?" Buzz cut nodded "Is Luca a good man?" For a moment I saw his lip twitch in the mirror.

"He is a good and fair boss, in his business I don't think good man is how most would explain him but he is loyal and true to his word" I sat nodding. "Ma'am my I speak openly ?" I agreed "Mr Remora is very closed off about his personal life and in all the years I have known him he has never left someone alone in his house, giving them the freedom to walk around." He felt sorry for me that's why he did it I wanted to say but didn't.

Buzz cut walked back up to my apartment with me as we reached the door he took a new lock out of his blazer pocket and got to work on changing the lock. I thanked him and silently he left. I looked around the apartment. Maybe I should have taken Luca's offer at least till I could afford a bed. I took all my clothes that had fallen as the thief emptied the closet and picked them up. I had at least 3 outfits and rolled them into my one towel as a make shift pillow then I grabbed my only other towel and made my way to the bath tub or as I shall now call it, my bed.

As I was about to fall asleep my phones light came on and I picked it up from where it was charging "I'm sorry for how today went and I'm sorry that you didn't take my offer. Just know it does still stand and I know I can protect you. Be safe, Luca" my breathing hitched as i read and reread the msg from him. How could I even be considering this? He pulled a gun on me!

Sleep hasn't come easy since the horrible things of my past tend to show up in nightmares. By 3am I was back to rereading the text from Luca. I thought about it and made my choice. "Thank you for the offer. I want to talk about it." Within seconds my phone started ringing and I wondered why he was up at 3am. "Are you alright?" His voice sounded rough. "I'm fine I'm sorry I couldn't sleep and should have waited till morning to reply. Go back to sleep" I felt bad. "I'm working so no need to be sorry. Do you want to talk over the phone or in person?" I thought about it and unfortunately this had to be done in person. "I'll be right over"

I tried to clean up the little things I had and boiled water on the built in stove. I found coffee and sugar and a coffee mug that had only the ear broken off. I should have said I'd meet him there. The knock on the door started me and I asked who was there before I opened the door. Luca walked in as if he owned the place and I asked him if he wanted some coffee. Luckily I remembered seeing him drink black so I didn't have to ask if he needed milk plus with my fridge missing in action there was no milk.

Luca looked amused as I handed him the mug with the broken ear. "What about you?" I smiled telling him I'd drink later as that was the only coffee mug left. He looked at me with pity and that's not something I like seeing so I moved us to where the lounge would be and sat on the ground.

"What did you need to talk about?" I took a breath. "I want to take you up on your offer but in order for me to do that I need to set ground rules" he nodded. "You won't ask me what happened to me" He nodded. "You won't search for my past" he nodded again. "Every six months I get up pack everything up and change everything about me and I need to know that six months from now you will let me go." He was silent for a while before answering.

"I'd never keep you against your will but I have a couple of rules to." I nodded. "The whole house and estate is yours to use except for my office you will never go in there." I nodded. "If you go out you will tell me or one of the guards where you are, I can't protect you if you go missing" I struggled to swallow my saliva as I thought of him protecting me. I nodded when I realized he was waiting for me to reply. "Anything you hear or see can't be discussed with anyone other than me."

He drove me to his house and lead me past the room I had slept in earlier today. He explained it was his room and I felt a chill as I passed it. The door direct opposite him was his office and the door next to his room was now mine. "Don't you have domestic quarters somewhere in your yard?" He looked at me as if I had lost my mind. "The house is yours. Use it please."

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