Oh carol

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After the emotional roller coaster yesterday turned out to be I tried very hard to convince Luca to let me stay at home. I didn't feel like seeing Carol or dealing with that drama but Luca said it still was not safe and that he was going to have a meeting with Carol about what happened. I got dressed and met him in the kitchen for a quick breakfast before we head out. On the way to work he tells me that he wants me there for the meeting with Carol and even if I don't like it I know it has to be done.

Luca moves my chair to next to his at the desk so that we will sit together when Carol comes in. "I need you to understand that you are my queen and that means my equal in everything, at home, at work or in the mob and my staff need to treat you with the same level of respect." I don't know what to say to that. I don't think I deserve to be anywhere close to his equal but this is not the time to fight with him about it. Just as he gives me a quick kiss we are stopped by the by the knock on the door and both take a moment to catch our breath before Luca shouts to come in.

"Stefano said you were looking for me" Carol says with a big smile as she enters before her face falls as she notices me sitting next to Luca. "Carol come sit down please, we need to talk about what happened yesterday." Carol takes a seat and her eyes jump to me for a moment before she smiles at Luca. "Did I do something wrong?" She asks looking at Luca with big doe eyes.

"Do you have a problem with my girlfriend Carol?" I feel Luca's hand on my thigh under the table. Carol acts shocked "I don't have any problem with her. Why would I?" I roll my eyes not believing how she is trying to play this. Luca's mouth pulls thin as I can see he is getting irritated. "Carol stop messing around. You know perfectly well how you made things sound yesterday and I don't appreciate it. I'm giving you one last chance on this. If Emily comes to me again upset about anything I swear I'll do a lot more than fire you." Her eyes go big knowing what type of guy Luca is. "In fact I've been wanting to do this and I need a witness so might as well." I look over at Luca trying to see what he is doing as he takes out a stack of papers. He suddenly turns to me "Love I need you to sign here." I look down at the paper and up at him. "What is it?"

"Well I'm always busy with all my companies and  you know a lot more about food then I do so the moment you sign here" he waits for me to sign before continuing "and after I sign and a witness, that's you" he hands the pen to Carol and she signs looking more confused "well now I can congratulate you on owning half a restaurant." I look at him shocked and so does Carol. "Carol you may go and now I think you need to start treating Emily with respect as she is your boss now."

"Why did you do this?" I ask Luca once we are alone. "Well I know how you feel about food and honestly I am to busy to handle things that happen here and this way I know no matter what financially you will be taken care of."I kiss him wondering what on earth I did to deserve this guy.  Night shift starts and Luca announces to everyone my new position before returning to his office to continue working with Dax on finding the guys who are after us. I spend the next couple of hours helping out on a station in the kitchen. At 8 o'clock I take a break and tell the boys we all having dinner in half an hour before ordering a couple of pizzas for us. I walk over to the bathroom and as I wash my face someone's arm goes around my neck before a cloth is pressed into my mouth.

Oh gosh not this shit again.

I wake up in a hotel room tied to a chair. I try to get my arms out the tie but there is no use. "Hallo sweetheart." That voice sends chills down my spine. As he walks into my view and all the memories of that night come rushing back. I take a breath trying not to have a panic attack. Luca will find me

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