Long distance bs

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The two days later I was sent in bed rest at home and Skype sessions with Emily made it really hard not to have her here in the house. My house had always been my solitude but since Emily moved in it has become a home. As I smile as she tells me about the picnic her and my sister had I hear the beep of my gate opening and I without telling her move my gun from under the pillow to behind my iPad.

To my shock I hear Micheal's voice at the first front door. "Sir I'm not armed and I'm not coming inside unless you tell me to. They had my family sir, I had to get them back." Emily's face scrunches as she hears the voice so I whisper for her to put down the phone and call Stefano to tell him who is here. She agrees before whispering to be safe.

I get up slowly and walk to the front door pointing the gun straight to where I could get his heart but as I open the door I'm shocked to find him sitting on the floor. His eyes are red like he has been crying and he is unarmed. He notices immediately and gets up and turns to face me. He puts his hands up in mock surrender before walking the two steps that my gun rests against his heart.

"They had my family sir and I knew they wouldn't give them back unless I did as I was told and I was told to shoot you as point blank range in the chest. I made sure to aim away from the heart and lungs before I took the shot but if you need to kill me then I understand I just had to first get my family to safety."

I lower my gun as the gate opens and Stefano's bmw comes racing in. He climbs out gun in hand already pointing at micheal and I show him to lower it. I'm good at reading people and he was telling the truth. Stefano helps me back to the couch in the lounge and I send Emily a msg saying thank you and that I'm fine and that I would call once this was over. We sit down and Micheal tells us everything he has learned and exactly what happened to him. By the end I pull him in for a hug telling him that I believe him and that I'm not mad.


1 month later

It's been a full month and nothing has happened. This is agitating me more than anything as I need to end this. Emily and Isabella are still in Italy and I stress that this month will be the end of Emily and I. We FaceTime or Skype everyday and text whenever I can't but I can see it in her eyes that she is starting to resent me for not bringing her to me.

I call my sister and she tells me Emily hardly eats. She goes to the library in the morning to find a book and then spends the day reading. Her nightmares have returned and worst Isabella heard her cry my name during one of them. Trying to keep her safe might be hurting her even more.

My flight to Italy goes smoothly. I didn't tell her I was coming but I just need to be with her. I drive a rental to our old house and take a deep breath. I haven't been here in years. Not since my mom, I shake my head to rid the thought. I walk up to the door and knock a bodyguard opens the door and I show him my family ring and he lets me pass. I walk past the kitchen taking good care that the voices that are all there don't see me.

I sneak up to my room and thank god that it was empty. I take a look around laughing as I realize she sleeps in my old T-shirt's. I open my phone and call her on FaceTime when she answers I see she is sitting at the dinning room table. I keep the phone close so that she doesn't see where I am.

"Hey I was just missing you." I smile at this. "I have a question for you but I need you to promise me you will be quite about it." She cocks her head to the side and smiles. "Why have I not had the pleasure of seeing you in these?" I lift up a red g- string  I found in her underwear and show it to her as I zoom out so she can see where I am. Her face lights up and suddenly I'm looking at the ceiling fan as she left the phone right there to come find me.

Emily launches herself on top of me on the bed and her lips find mine immediately. This is what I needed. Her and me.

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