Planning for future

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Today is a busy day. Luca has work most of the day but has also made appointments for me to go and see the doctor about my wounds just to check up, a gynecologist appointment since I told him what the doctor said last time and he asked me to go for lunch with Isabella as he is worried about her. We agree that lunch will be at his restaurant but that he will stay in the office to give us space to talk.

"Are you sure I can't just let a guard drive you?" Luca says holding the key out. "I'm shocked, you don't trust me with your car" I fake that it hurt my feelings and his mouth goes into that thin line. "I could not care less about the car, I care about the safety of the person in the car."

First doctor of the day went well. It was the same man who stitched me up in Luca's house and he looked delighted with how the wounds are looking. Second doctor was the one I had been dreading to see. Luckily with all the news about the Russian mob and the girls they found it did not take much explaining for her to understand all I was telling her. She wanted me to go for an ultra sound of my lower stomach that we could see the damage that was left but she added that she couldn't see anything wrong down there.

I make it to lunch just as Isabella arrives inside. We make small talk and order food. Luca comes out saying he is just saying hallo and gives me a peck on the lips before disappearing again. I see Isabella pull her arms in. "How do you do it?" I looked over at her confused. "How do I do what?" She looks down "let a man touch you after everything you have been through"

Oh I remember when I felt like this. When the slightest physical contact with a male would send me into a fit of panic. "Well it took years of hating it and not trusting anyone before he came and broke down the walls. I passed out in our interview and I woke up in all my clothes and on a soft bed being taken care of. It took Luca to show me that not all men are those men."

Her eyes have tears in them. I know this feeling all to well and I move around the table with open arms. Isabella launches into my arms and starts crying into my shoulder. I shhh her and tell her that I'm going to find her someone to talk to that can help her.

By the time Luca gets home from work the house is clean again and food is cooked. He says I shouldn't worry about it but I don't want to just leach on him.

We sit down after dinner in the lounge talking about Isabella's future and how I think she needs help. "That brings me to an important question for you... what do you want to do with your life? I know you said you had started studying to become a nurse, is that something you would want to do? Money is not a problem." I had never thought of going back to college as I was to scared to be found.

"I don't know. I don't think I want to be a nurse anymore. I don't cope well with seeing people hurt so I don't think I'd like that idea much. Maybe culinary school? I like making food." His face light up with a real smile a rare appearance in Luca's face. "I love that idea. You cook really well. We can start looking at places tomorrow." I shake my head wondering how I got this lucky and how long this happiness would last.

By the time I wake up Luca has already left the house. He left a note on his pillow saying there was an emergency at work and he would come back as soon as it was done for brunch together.  I got up and took a long shower before going and starting brunch. I made us some flapjacks with crispy bacon and syrup. By 11 I started worrying about Luca but just as I was about to phone him his car pulled and out climbed luca but his white shirt was red stained all over and he had a cut on his face.

I rushed out to see if he was okay but before I could get to close he answered "it's not my blood I promise. Let me just go shower than I'll tell you everything." I waited at the dinning room table thinking of the fact that he is still a mob boss meaning he still hurts people.

Luca gave me a kiss on the forehead when he came in and took his seat. "Sorry we had a shipment arrive today and someone tried to highjack the boat." I nod still a little overwhelmed by the fact of what he does. I've always known but it only just set in.

"What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" Nothing I replied way to fast and Luca's mouth pulled into that thin line. "It never really set in what you do." He nods keeping eye contact with me. "What do you want to know about it? I'll be honest with you." I took a deep breath. "Do you hurt people?"
Luca thought about how to answer this.

"If the person tries to steal what's mine or hurt someone I love or stuff like that then yes. The mob has a bad rep here in New York but we are not that bad. My empire is basically being able to get anything in or out of the country. And I mean anything well except people against their will, I don't human traffic. But it's as large as drugs and weapons and millionaire who want to hide money from their wives to as small as an Italian mamma in queens who needs heart medication she can't afford in the US."

I smile at him as we start eating our brunch. He might be the big bad mob boss everywhere else but here he is just my Luca

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