She left

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Luca pov

She left, she just left. I finally have her awake and not scared and then she leaves. She said in her letter that she couldn't be what I wanted but doesn't she realize that before  she came into my life I never wanted any of it. Being mafia your woman becomes your weakness as enemies can target her to get to you. I never wanted to have a weakness but for her I was willing to risk it all.

The job has been quite this whole week. I'm scared that the Russians are planning a retaliation. I sit with my feet in the pool drinking beer. I reread the letter: I love you. She said it's right there in black and white and it's breaking me. I get up and start walking to my car I'm going to take care of this. I drive down into town into the unsafe area Emily lived in when I met her.

I park my car across the road from her apartment. No I can't do this, she asked me not to. I drive to a near by shop and grab a pen and paper:

Dear Emily

I hope this finds you well. You asked me not to search for you but that's hard as I find you every night when I sleep.

You made your choice and I'm trying hard to respect it but gosh it's not easy. I miss you. Isabella and Stefano have asked about you and honestly I have no idea what to say as I can't bear to tell them you are gone.

How can you tell me you love me then leave? If you love me how can you walk away from this?  You say you are not what I need but don't you realize that YOU are all I need in whatever way I can have you.

Come home. Even if it's just an employer relationship. A little of you is better than nothing but please come home.

We never spoke of your salary and since I am indebted to you forever for helping me save Isabella please find your months salary with this letter.

I love you and will continue to love you even if you don't want to be in my life.

Always yours

I placed the letter with cash in an envelope and drive back to her place. I want to just slip the letter under her door but honestly I don't know if she is here and if she is I still don't think it's safe to leave this money outside.

Okay you can do this. Knock hand over the envelope and don't make this harder on you or her. I knock and hear someone shuffle around inside. I knock again and Emily's small frame comes to view as she opens the door. Her eyes are red and puffy and she doesn't look like she has eaten and I have to remind myself to put on the hardened exterior.

"Here" I say pushing the envelope into her hand before turning and walking away. As I get to the stairs I turn around hoping she has gone back inside but I'm met with Emily standing at her door clutching the envelope watching me and crying. I continue walking. She doesn't want you here I keep repeating to myself and I make it to the car before I start crying.

The drive home was a blur all I remember was getting into bed and watching the ceiling.

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