Knight in shining Armani

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Ian came into the cell I was being kept in and he pulled my hair up so that I was facing him. "Did you let that Italian fuck you?" I didn't answer. "Answer me bitch has that fucker touched what's mine?" Before I could answer he hit me again. "Nnnno no he hasn't" he smiled. "Are you lying to me?" I shook my head "No, I could never" I started crying realizing that I wasn't lying as I didn't think after all of this that I could ever trust someone that much. He started walking around me before releasing my arms and kicking me forward so that I was lying on the ground.


Luca' POV

We start storming the building and I hear gunshots and start moving faster finding dead bodies all over as I walk after them. I find the steps I start the descent downstairs. My men and I walk in and there is a hall of about 30 doors and we search everyone. We find lots of girls but not the two I'm worried about. When we get to one of the doors I open it to find both the brothers with both the woman I had been searching for.

"Let then go" I snarled but Ian just laughed. " I just got this bitch use to my dick again so no I'm not letting her go" I took a step forward and Robert spoke up "step back or I'll empty my gun into both of them." I took a step back. I breathed trying to work out how I was getting them out of here. "Let them go and take me. I'm the one who disrespected you so kill me and leave them." 

"Let's make this more fun you can save one, who do you save " he says pointing between the  two woman. I can't make this choice. "Save Isabella" Emily chokes out and it breaks me. I look to my side and see that Stefano is standing next to me with a knock out gas bomb. I take a deep breath.

"Can I say my last words to Isabella?" Everyone in the room looks up at me confused. "loro non parlano italiano. quando ti tengo stretto il fiato, faccio cadere il gas ad eliminazione diretta"  I saw her eyes light up and as I started walking forward Stefano pulled the trigger ring and handed me the gas.

I grabbed Emily and chucked the gas at them but it didn't go fast enough and as Ian shoots straight into Emily. Fuck. My life ended in that moment and all plans to torture these assholes went from my mind I tackled them and snapped Roberts neck without even thinking of it. I was so busy pounding my fists into Ian's face that it wasn't until Stefano pulled me off that I even realized what I was doing.

"Boss we need to get her to a doctor right now." I looked around the room. Isabella has been taken to the car. I grabbed a chain and chained Ian to the wall then I shot two shots into his pubic area. I picked Emily up feeling how cold her body was. I used my jacket to put pressure on the wound and started walking towards the exit. We freed all the girls and they were calling the cops for help so we needed to be out of here.

As we drive to my doctors office I hold Emily tight. "Don't die on me now. Please we just got started" I allowed my tears to run. I was supposed to be happy that we saved my sister but how could I be when the person I promised to protect was busy dying in my arms.

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