The plan

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Stefano left saying he needs to get back to work but honestly I think he just wanted to get out of the tension between Luca and I. We sat at opposite sides of the desk starting at each other. "Luca please let me help this will be the best way to get Isabella back. You have helped me immensely it's my turn to return the favor." He shook his head. "I gave you a job it's not something worth risking your new identity on." I looked at him again "you gave me so much more than that. You gave me trust and let me into your home without the background check. You let me sleep in your bed, it's the first time I have been on a bed with a man and not been raped. You made me see that sometimes it's okay to care about someone so let me help you."

I saw his exterior crack abit and I saw the worry and fear pouring out at me. "You are to important to risk Emily." I took a breath "Mandy, my real name is Mandy. I prefer Emily but I wanted you to at least know the truth." He got up and walked around the desk cupping my face, fear filled me for a moment as I remember other men doing this before forcing themselves in your mouth but then Luca's blue eyes made contact with mine and he kneeled down that we were at the same level. "You are to important to me to risk at a job like this." He softly kissed my lips just once before he released his hold on me.
Luca's POV

"Your sister makes this important enough. No more talk we are doing this." I look at her shocked. Does she even know who I am? "Just be really lucky I like you because believe me I have killed people for talking like that to me" She looks at me like a deer caught in the headlights "You You" oh no I scared her. "You like me?" A laugh escapes my mouth "I tell you that Ive killed people and that's the part you focus on?" I pull her in for a hug.

All my cousins and leaders are sitting around the table in my dinning room 10 of us. We are discussing if tonight's plan could actually work. They think I should have her get kidnapped again but I am not so sure, I know the emotional scars she has and I'm not sure it won't break her if I don't get her out in time.

We have bought 30 tickets to the event some benefit helping poor people. Mobs love events like this as it gives us access to the high rollers we need on our side. Dax our computer wizard was just showing me a beautiful necklace with a tracker in that I had him make for Emily when she came walking in. "It won't work" we all looked over at her and for a moment I lost my train of thought as I stared at her in a light blue gown and high heals. She had placed make up over the scars that were visible on her arms but honestly I would have loved it either way.

"Why won't it work?" She looked around the room and I realized she doesn't know anyone except for Stefano and right now all of them are staring at her like wolves. "Emily this is my family. You have met Stef" he waves. "That's Joey and Joe they are twins" I turn as I go down the line ending at Dax who is right next to me. "Boys this is Emily. Let me say this once and make it clear If you lay a finger on her I will kill you personally" they all laughed not knowing how serious I was and then they proved to me again that they were kids by all walking over and placing one finger on her.

After they had there fun I pulled a chair right next to mine for Emily to sit at. "Why won't this work?" I ask looking at the beautiful necklace. "When they take you, they remove all clothes you have on before taking you." Dax looked her up and down "Do you have a tooth missing?" He asked out of the blue and before I could answer she did. "A lot of my back teeth. They kicked my jaw a lot and I haven't had the money to fix it yet" remind me to explain to her that money is no longer a problem when we get back from all this. "I have a tracker that looks like a tooth. Would you be okay wearing it?" She nodded and I felt slightly better, I did not want to risk loosing her.

We all went our separate ways to get ready and I found Emily sitting on the ground with her feet in the water of my pool with her heels on the ground next to her. I sat down next to her. "I'm scared" she whispered. "Then don't do this, I'll find Isabella a different way." She placed her hand softly on mine. "No I want to do this but just promise me you won't forget to save me once you have saved Isabella." I frowned that she could even imagine that.

"Emily we need to talk before this happens. I have never let anyone into my house without background checks and even DNA testing and with you I didn't care, god I didn't even lock my office. I could never forget you, I care more about you then I do myself. Dammit woman realize that I'm not going to forget you because I couldn't even if I tried" I kissed her putting all the emotion into my kiss trying to make her understand.

As I stopped kissing her when I heard the beep informing me that the front gate was opening. We walked out to the car and climbed in. I looked over at Emily and took her hand trying to give her strength as she placed the tracker in her mouth, I helped her put the necklace on and we placed at least 10 small trackers in my suit pocket to try and sneak on to their clothes. When we stopped in front of the Ritz I looked her up and down before squeezing her hand again " Are you sure you are ready for this?"

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