Birthday boy

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Sleep was not something that came easy to either of us that night and Sunday morning we both looked we had not even tried. "My team is coming over for work today so I might be busy most of the day" I nodded happily knowing he is putting his attention back on work. "Can I ask that you sort out lunch for us? I know it's not your job anymore but you can even just go buy take away burgers and they would be happy." We both laughed.

"I'll make food, I like being in the kitchen it keeps me out of trouble. But and I hate to ask. I need to go shopping for groceries and a couple of personal lady items." He smiled before grabbing his wallet from the bedside. "Here, I forgot to give it to you." The shiny black Amex card had my name printed on the front. "Luca this is not necessary" he smirked. "Oh but it is. The card has a $30000 daily limit so if you need more than that just phone me." I looked at him shocked did he just say daily.

After both getting showered and dressed we ate a quick breakfast. "Will you please take Micheal with you to come the shop? That way I don't have to worry that something is happening to you plus he is big and can carry bags." I looked at him confused "who is micheal?" Now he looked confused "our house guard? The guy who drove you back to the city and changed your lock?" I know my face must have light up like a Christmas tree before I bursted out laughing "buzzcuts name is Micheal. I never knew his name and have been making up names for him in my head but I would never have gotten to that."

Micheal and I left for the store soon after everyone arrived. He was still quite but I just kept asking him questions about sports teams and family and soon enough he started talking. In the shops Micheal pushed the trolley and I just kept adding everything we need for the house. I got all the ingredients I needed and food for the week for the house before heading to the bathroom section and grabbing my type of shampoo and perfume both luxury items I had not bought in ca long time. I grabbed a box of tampons as I knew my period would be starting soon.

When we arrived home I placed the pork shoulder in the oven with all the herbs and spices. It's still early enough that it can cook for a couple of hours before lunch. I go grab our laundry and the bed sheets and throw them in the wash before going to our room to chill as the men are having a meeting in our dining room.

My alarm on my phone goes off and I sneak back into the kitchen to take the pork out the oven. I heat the taco shells and cut up some chilies, pineapples and peppers before grabbing the pork and shredding it. I mix all the stuff and place them inside the taco shell. I pre pack 50 tacos that way there would be 4 tacos for each of the 10 men in the dinning room, 4 tacos for Micheal since he helped shop, 4 tacos for me and 2 just because.

I go outside and give micheal his and then I took the platter full to the table. Luca smiles as I walk in and all the greetings start flying as the men say hallo. Luca pulls me on to his lap and everyone starts digging into the tacos. Luca whispers in my ear that he missed me today and my heart rate starts to go up.

When everyone is leaving Stefano pulls me to the side. "Do you have any plans for Luca's birthday?" I look at him shocked. Luca and I had never talked about birthdays. "It's next Friday" I nod "we want to have a party for him at the restaurant on Thursday if that's fine by you then you can have him all weekend." He smiles and I smile trying to work out what to do for his birthday.

After class on Monday I head to the stores to find a present for Luca. I grab him a couple of ties and look around more. Then it hits me and I know what I need to do. I run to Victoria Secret and grab a little something that makes me blush. Then I run to the travel agency what I need from them and they get me everything I want.

Thursday comes around faster than I expected. We head to the restaurant dressed to the nines and the men have made the place look amazing. They have invited over 200 people who know Luca and I'm excited. Luca's family are the first to greet us and everyone moves closer. I move backwards to get out of the crowd but Luca grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. "Stay with me"

Luca introduced me to all his friends, colleges and workers. We danced half the night and when Isabella asked Luca for a dance I finally got a moment to myself. Alexandro surprised me by starting to talk to me. "I owe you an apology" I looked at him confused. "I told my son that he needs to put his priorities on work and stop wasting time with you." A oh was all that left my mouth. "But I was wrong. Watching him with you tonight shows me once again that a man is stronger with a woman he loves" he shocked me again by hugging me.

After eating and drinking we got to the taxi and as luca tells the driver the address I tell him that it's the wrong address and tell the taxi to take us to the airport. Luca looks at me confused but I smile at him and he smiles back.

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