Her history

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"Luca" I grab his hand on the table to get his attention "get me out of here please" he looks at me confused. "Luca's get me out of here right now please" I whisper scream at him and he immediately jumps into action. He gets up and takes my hand. I duck under his arm scared that the voice would find me. Luca's walks faster and we are out in his car before I could count to ten.

Lucas drives off like a bat being chased by hell itself. I don't look where we are going, I search my bag for my calming tablets. My hands are shaking so badly that I can't open the tablet bottle and I drop it somewhere around my feet. I look down at the floor but the fear starts over taking me. I pull my legs up next to me on the seat. "Emily are you okay" I feel his hand grab mine and I look over to see his worried face.

We stop at home and I'm shaking so bad that I can't get out. "Shit Emily" Luca says as he stairs at me. He finds my tablets on the floor and grabs two before handing them over to me with a bottle of water from his door. He gets out and opens my door picking me up. As much as I don't want to be touched right now, Luca's touch seems to help calm me down. Luca walks to his bedroom and places me on the bed.

He disappears from my sight for a couple of minutes and comes back with a cup of tea. I take it from him and take a sip. "Emi" before he can continue I interrupt "I need to pack and get out of New York, he is here he will find me."    I start sobbing uncontrollably. Luca pulls me into his embrace. "No one is going to find you and no one is going to hurt you I'm right here I'll protect you." Then he did something I'll never forget he kissed my forehead so soft that I almost wondered if I was imagining it. "Your mine and I'm not letting you go" normally I would hate a guy thinking that he owns someone but in this moment I needed this.

Luca left me for a couple of minutes and came back with a toasted cheese. "I know it's not the best food but it's all I know how to make" I look at him "I'm not hungry," Luca's mouth goes into a thin line. "You need to eat you took those pills" I know he is right but I really don't want to but I give in and eat it.

Luca walks into his bathroom and starts the water going before coming out to me. "I'm putting bath water in for you, I'll be back."  He returns moments later with Pjs. He picks me up and walks into the bathroom. "Do you want me to help you get in or are you okay to do it by yourself?" I whisper I'll be okay on my own. He kisses my forehead again. "The moment you get out of this bathroom we are going to break one of the rules and talk about it cos I need to know who he is to be able to protect you." He leaves the bathroom.

The bath was exactly what I needed and I felt a little more human after that but I knew that I needed to get out of this city and this state but where would I be safer than right behind these walls. I get out and dry off, Luca is not waiting in his room and I'm happy as it gives me a chance to calm my thoughts.
        Luca's pov

We sit on the bed crossed legged looking at each other. I know she is scared so I wait for her to start start. "I'm going to tell you but you don't get to interrupt me at all" I pretend to lock my mouth and stare at her.

"I was 18 and had just started college. I was going to be a nurse." Not the right time but my inside got excited at the idea of her in a nurse outfit. "My parents had died a couple of years back and I didn't have any siblings so college was going to be a new start. In my first week I met a man who called himself Ryan Smith. He looked really nice. We met at a social for first years and we danced, I had never danced with a guy before God I never did anything with a guy before and he ended the night asking me to go for dinner the next night. I said yes and he stole my first kiss from me."

I had assumed it had been a boyfriend looks like I was right. She took a sip of the water and placed it back on the bedside table. "We went out for dinner and I thought he must really be interested in me as he asked me questions of my family and past relationships and he was charming. Looking back I got now that he was making sure I didn't have anyone that would come looking for me." She looked far away in her thought and I knew this couldn't have been easy for her. 

"He walked me back to the car and leaned in to kiss me and as I closed my eyes to kiss back a cloth covered my mouth and everything went black." I was itching now itching to find this man and kill him but I knew if I made any move now she would stop talking so I sat quietly. "I woke up stark naked in a dark room it took me a while to work out that I was in a container." Fuck she was traded. This is starting to hit a bit close to home for me.

"After what felt like days of floating with no food and no water I felt the trailer being moved off the boat." She shivered and I lifted my hands high enough that she can see me before softly placing my one hand on her hand. She let out a breath. "I was taken to a hotel where they, Ukraine or Russian  kept me in the basement with multiple other woman. They tortured us and threatened to kill us if anything ever came out. They laid me out on a table and took photos of me doing all types of things. Things with men and my body and they said that if i ever tried to escape that they would release those photos."

"They sold woman and girls to horrible men to do with whatever they wanted." She shivered. " I was sold to a Russian who didn't really believe me when I said I was a virgin from what I could tell he was part of the people posting the woman all over and after meeting him there was no way I could ever be a virgin again. He raped me, had his men gang bang me, used me as a punching bag, stabbed me. He would lock me in a cage and post me wherever he was going. He brought his gang to America and set up shop in California." She started shaking. And I moved closer. Picking her up slowly and placing her on my lap where I can hold her. The Russian mob in California.

"I tried to escape once and he hung me upside down and while he forced himself into my mouth he cut into me with knifes. He skinned the bottom of my feet so that I wouldn't be able to walk." She was crying now but using me as her pillow and I was allowing it. "He got me pregnant and cut into my stomach himself to get it out and after that he gave me as a play thing to his workers. I lived that way for 5 years ,5 years of being raped and beaten every single day until one day someone forgot to lock the door and I got out." I breathed and she looked up at me.

"I couldn't go to the police as to many of them had come in to get bribes from him and have their turn raping me. So I ran and I haven't stopped running." I pulled her into me. I kissed her forehead and breathed I knew I had to tell her what I knew but I didn't know how to start. So I kissed her hair and moved her under my sheets holding her body against mine as exhaustion took her over.

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