Italy in love

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The next couple of hours were spent worshipping each other's bodies. I had missed Luca's body on mine, his lips moving over me, the way his fingers stroked over my skin, the way it felt when he was inside me like I couldn't be more complete. When he found that perfect spot inside me that made my toes curl every time he hit it I started moaning louder, scratching his back with my nails as I tried to get him to do it more. He increased his speed and soon I found my release and soon I felt him release inside me as well.

Luca rolled us over not even pulling out of me and kept me lying on top of him with my face on his chest. "I just needed you" Luca says as he kisses my head. I had no idea how much time had passed until there was a knock on my door and we both froze "Hey Em it's dinner time" I shouted I'd be right down. Luca chuckled thinking how bad it would be if his sister had entered while we were both naked.

We got dressed and walked down hand in hand. I felt crazy happy and the moment Isabella saw her brother she screamed and ran into his arms. Mamma Julia followed saying all types of things to him in Italian and looking him up and down like only a mother could. We sat down and each started to dish up.

Mamma made an amazing roast chicken in a red wine sauce with a salad, garlic rolls, roast pepper salad and a potato bake. I took my plate and grabbed one drum stick and a garlic roll and sat back down. Luca's eyes were looking at my plate and his lips moved to make the thin line it always did when he was angry but he didn't say anything and continued to put food on his plate before sitting down next to me.

Dinner was wonderful and filled with Mamma Julia and Isabella telling me as many embarrassing stories about Luca's childhood. My poor man was blushing by the end and I kissed his cheek to help make it okay. After dinner Luca announced that we were going for a walk and the two of us strolled out the front door and into the small town he use to live in.

Luca showed me places that he had memories in, his favorite park, his favorite bakery and the tree outside the school he use to climb. He grabbed my arm and led me down a dodge looking alley but I felt safe with Luca next to me. He stopped in front of a green door and knocked softly. Suddenly the door opened and a big but old bald man looked us up and down.
"My my, it's been years since the big bad wolf graced us with his presence." He pulled Luca closer and hugged him tight.

"Walter, this is Emily my woman." Walter looked me up and down commenting that Luca had done well. We were let in and went up a small and narrow stairway that led to a cafe style space with couches and fairy lights on the roof of the building. We sat down and ordered two glasses of wine.

Luca pov

"Emily talk to me, how have you been?" I asked  watching her small hands around the wine glass. "I'm good now that you are here."  I moved her closer to me holding on to her. "Your not eating much and Bella says that you have started having the nightmares again." She presses her face into my chest to hide. "You have lost some weight since I last saw you and I'm worried." I could feel her body tense against mine.

"It's been hard. I feel alone and I know that you are doing all you can to keep me safe but honestly I'd rather be in danger and with you then on my own." I pull her closer making sure to hold her tight as I think of what to do going forward. I don't want her near the danger but I also don't want her to not take care of herself. Suddenly she speaks "plus even when you catch these guys, more will come as you make enemies. Why not teach me to fight by your side?" I nod at the idea and take another sip of the wine. This will need some time to think about.

We stroll home hand in hand happy being with each other. We get back home and go up to bed and this time we don't attack each other we get under the covers and I pull her body to mine just needing to sleep with her close to me. She's out like a light and I take a moment to take in her appearance: her skin is pale and the bags around her eyes show that sleep has not been easy, she's definitely lost weight. I kiss her head and let sleep take me.

I wake up from Emily kicking and screaming in her sleep. I sit up and pull her onto my lap holding onto her as she kicks and hits. I whisper in her ear promising her I'm here and she stops fighting. Her hands find my chest and she pulls herself into it and I listen as her breathing evens out before I lean back pulling her on top of me and trying to sleep again even if I know it won't come easy.

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