From Angel to Witch.

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From Angel to Witch

By the end of my life story and the future of the wizarding world, the man who had been sitting at the table left. The bartender had fallen asleep right on the bar, the newspaper under him as he slept.

I had managed to get through about three Butterbeers, Albus only going through one firewhiskey. It had to have been around midnight by now considering we had been sitting here talking for a little over two hours. Albus sat intrigued throughout the whole thing, asking questions only every now and then.

"And then Harry Potter kills Voldemort." I shrugged, ending it all.

Albus nodded slowly, his head whirling no doubt in astonishment. A sudden thought occurred to me making my eyes widen.

"Jesus, it's 1943. That means Voldemort's a student at Hogwarts right now!" I exclaimed in shock.

Albus looked over me with narrowed eyes, as if he suddenly realized something. "Pandora," He trailed off, using my real name which I had given him. "You never did mention exactly which student it was who turns into this Dark Lord."

"His name was originally something weird, I think it was like..." I paused, trying to remember exactly what Voldemort's original name was. "Tom Marvolo Riddle! Yes, that was what it was!" I nodded finally remembering his name.

Albus looked as if he was ready to pass out, and began running his fingers through his beard. I took a sip of my Butterbeer watching as Albus began muttering to himself trying to figure out what to do.

"We need to lead him off of this dark path. I can't possibly allow him to continue down this road, and murder all those people." Albus shook his head turning to me.

I nearly spit out my drink, hearing those words. "We?" I coughed out. "I'm going home after this, plus you can't just change the past like that. It won't work." I shrugged standing up.

Albus turned to me with a challenging brow. "Then why tell me all this, if, in the end, it's pointless to change?"

I opened my mouth about to come up with some witty reply, before closing it. For once I was speechless, he had a point. Why would I tell him all this?

"I don't know," I admitted, letting out a breath of defeat. "What I do know is changing such a big past event is not easy. For one, this is Voldemort we're talking about—trying to get him to change is like trying to teach Balthazar that killing people just because they annoyed you isn't okay." I paused at the horrified look Albus made before continuing. "If anything the most I would probably succeed in is getting him to kill fewer people, and let me just point out what if this plan backfires? For all, we know I may just make it so Voldemort does become successful in his reign of terror." I crossed my arms, giving him a blank expression.

Albus sighed giving me a look. "The least we could do is try. This isn't Voldemort we are trying to change. This is Tom Riddle, a sixteen-year-old broken boy who has never had the privilege of being loved in his life. All the boy may need is a true friend." Albus said, trying to appeal to my humanity, with much to my dismay was working.

"Why can't you be his friend?" I exclaimed, my tone slightly whiny.

Albus gave me a 'really' look. "Now, Tom is not particularly fond of me, to begin with, not only that but it would be much more efficient with you being his own age."

"I'm fifteen, he's sixteen." I dumbly pointed out.

"He just turned sixteen on December twenty-ninth. The students have just got back from Winter break today." Albus said smartly, taking a sip of his firewhiskey.

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