What to do in Danger's Face?

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What to do in Danger's Face?

This stone wall was my friend right now. The stone wall was the one thing standing between Tom Riddle and I. One wrong move and he would know I was here, less then ten feet away.

I accidentally got the timing a bit off when I jumped. I meant to come exactly five minutes after I had left nineteen forty-three, somehow I managed to screw it up; instead I appeared seven hours from when I had left. Meaning it was now the middle of the night and the prefects were doing their rounds.

Worst of all I appeared on the seventh floor corridors; the floor Tom no doubt always chooses to do his rounds on. Tom was suspicious to my presence as it's been five minutes and he has yet to leave.

Tom glared at nothing in particular checking a broom closet for what must have been his fifth time. He growled when he yet again saw nothing in there, almost like he was expecting to see a student out of bed.

He held up his wand, which at the tip was lit up—and looked around the lone corridor. The corridor I was in was essentially a trap, because one way led to a dead end the only way out being going past Tom.

The easy way out of this would be to just go into the veil, and turn invisible to the human eye. However, I found it more amusing to take the complicated way out. It wouldn't be long until Tom made his way over here to look, so my mind started forming any excuse I could give as to why I was here.

Suddenly, a very weird thought made its way into my brain. Whenever I couldn't sleep at night, I usually would flip my television on and watch the late night sitcoms. One of the those sitcoms being the very popular show; Friends. Call it stupid but one episode from Friends may just give the proper excuse I need to get out of this situation.

Tom's eyes found their way to the wall I was hiding behind, and quickly he began taking long strides toward me. With a deep breath I counted in my head waiting until he was about to see me.

Just before Tom was about to see me I jumped out in front of him my hands raised above my head as mock monster claws. "DANGER! DANGER!" I yelled causing some portraits to wake up and Tom himself to look mildly surprised.

His eyes widened and he jumped slightly not expecting that. However, he quickly got control of his surprise and morphed his face into a heated glare.

"Rhiannon." He hissed, putting his wand between the two of us. "What in Merlin's name do you think you are doing?" He narrowed his eyes accusingly.

I put on my best innocent face. "I just wanted to make sure you were prepared. I mean what if I were Grindelwald?" I shrugged, earning a look of exasperation from said boy.

"I am going to pretend that this never happened." Is all he said, with a large sigh. "However." He started sharply, pausing. "What is it you mean't when you told me you know other way's to immortality." He inquired in a demanding tone.

I cracked a small grin, letting out a few laughs. "Ha, I was lying." I smirked realizing there was no way I'd ever mention any other way to becoming immortal to him.

Tom glared fiercely, scoffing shaking his head. He looked me over with a smug smile.

"Twenty points from Gryffindor for being out of bed after hours." He announced, making me scowl.

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