Pandora VS Boggart.

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T W E N T Y - T H R E E
Pandora VS Boggart

"Will someone please tell me the name of any sort of Pagan God?" Professor Binns questioned, walking along the front of the classroom.

Next to me Tom rose his hand, along with about two other students in the class. Professor Binns pointed to a Slytherin female, whom I didn't recognize.

"Poseidon, God of the sea." The Slytherin said brightly.

The Professor nodded. "Yes, very good." He turned to the next student who had his hand raised. "Walter?" He addressed my friend.

"Hades. God of the Underworld." Professor smiled nodding, before turning to Tom who was the last to have his hand raised.


"Loki, sir." He smirked. "God of Mischief and Lies." Binns smiled, clapping his hands.

"Very good," He stated, turning his gaze to my form who was meaninglessly scribbling on the front of my journal. "Rhiannon, do you perhaps have something to add to these answers?" It was no secret that I had become his new favorite student, and everyone knew it.

I couldn't help but sense the jealousy oozing from Tom at the fact that I had beat him to being the teacher's favorite. With a bright smile, I pretended to think before meeting the professor's gaze.

"How about Kali? The Hindu Goddess." That earned of look of surprise from the Professor, and a look of confusion from the rest of the class; including Tom.

"You never cease to surprise, Miss Lightly." He smiled lightheartedly. "Not a lot of people know who that Goddess is."

"You would be surprised, sir. I can name many different Gods and Goddesses." I admitted, remembering all the times I had encountered some type of God.

He made a noise of recognition, looking to me with a gleam in his eye. I saw Tom looking at me through narrowed eyes of disbelief and suspicion.

"Class, I suggest you all memorize the names of the Greek Gods." Professor Binns announced. "Your O.W.L.S. will be on the information we went over first semester as well as fairy magic. It should only ask you to name the names of some Greek Gods, the beginning of sixth year is when we truly delve deeper into the history of all Pagan Gods." Professor Binns stated, looking to Walter who had raised his hand.

"McQuillon?" He called on him.

"Sir, when do we begin to learn of the other magical properties you were speaking of a few months ago?" Walter question curiously, earning nods from around the class.

"Well, Mr. McQuillon." Professor Binns began. "We will be delving into the Pagan Gods and their magic for the first part of your sixth-year semester. The second part of that first semester will be learning of Demonic magic and the creatures surrounding it. Last but not least we will use the entire last semester of your sixth-year to go over Angelic or Enochian magic; considering it has such an abundant history, we'll need every spare minute we have." Professor Binns answered, earning a nod from him.

When no one else rose their hand, Binns turned to the black board ready to prepare us for the Greek Gods. Tom took out his journal immediately, writing down every single word Professor Binns spoke. Walter was doing the same, with a majority of the class; each of whom were nervous for the O.W.L examinations.

"Persephone is the daughter Zeus, king of the Greek Gods." Binns began his speech, writing on the board. "Hades fell in love with Persephone and captured her, taking him to live in the Underworld with him." Professor Binns looked to us, "Now legend has it that her mother Demeter; goddess of harvest, was so grieved by this that she stopped everything on Earth from growing." Binns paced about the front of the room, as students took notes eager to learn about this.

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