A Dragon's Friend.

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T H I R T Y - T W O
A Dragon's Friend.

Maisaleon stood tall, his head bent down so that I could stroke him. Smiling, I listened to Professor Kettleburn explain the dynamics of dragons, the class of sixth year Gryffindors and Slytherins stood staring at the dragons in wonder.

Because Maisaleon and Sadie belonged to Alexius and I, Professor Kettleburn thought it best if we stood up front with him. Alexius was next to me silently playing with Sadie, trying not to draw a lot of attention, but failing miserably.

Maisaleon only wanted for me to stroke him, something I happily obliged to. Tom kept his eyes on me, though at some points they would wander to Maisaleon's form.

"Can anyone guess what breed of dragon Sadie is?" Professor Kettleburn drew my attention away from Tom.

Lavender rose her hand, a smile playing at her lips. Professor Kettleburn nodded at her to answer. "She's a Swedish Short-Snout." Professor Kettleburn applauded her, nodding in agreeance.

"Yes, very well Lavender. Sadie is a Swedish Short-Snout." Kettleburn looked around at the class. "Now, she's still young—just barely getting out of her child years in fact. I assume around fifteen, am I right, Mr. Lightly?" Professor Kettleburn looked to Alexius who grinned wildly.

"Yep, sir." The answer was perky.

"Well, in that case because she is still so young, she is alike to most young animals—though smarter in every way. She is alike other young animals in the meaning that she has much more energy than a fully grown dragon such as Maisaleon," Kettleburn motioned to my dragon, who was calmly allowing me to pet him. "Hence why she would rather play with Mr. Lightly, unlike Maisaleon who would rather be given affection by Miss Lightly." Alexius smiled upon being caught, no longer trying to hide the fact that he was playing with her.

"Not only that, but unlike many wizards believe, not all Swedish Short-Snout dragons breath fire. Yes, it's much more uncommon, but some do breath ice, take Sadie for example, she-" He was cut off by Sadie suddenly sneezing as Alexius tickled her nose, sending a mist of ice magic his way.

Alexius yelped, ducking down just in time before he was caught with the ice magic and no doubt get cold burns. I snickered from my spot causing Alexius to glare at me. Professor Kettleburn chuckled, looking back to the class seeing as Alexius was alright.

"Yes, you all just saw it first hand, Sadie is an ice breather." The class applauded the dragon, who seemed to suck it in—perking up upon the admiration. "Now, can anyone guess what breed Maisaleon is? It's a tricky question, as he's a rare type of dragon." Tom was the only one to raise his hand, locking eyes with me.

"Ah yes, Tom?"

"He's a Thunder-Bolt, sir. Last of his kind I reckon." Tom's answer was straight to the point, yet correct in all manners.

I was the first to break eye contact with him, cursing myself when a blush ate it's way onto my cheeks.

"Correct Tom! He is last of his kind. Now, a Thunder-Bolt is one of the few breeds of dragons that can breathe both fire and ice. The reason they are titled Thunder-Bolt is because these dragons in particular are known for their speed and hunting in thunderstorms." Professor Kettleburn clapped his hands. "Right now, each and every one of you will form an orderly line in front of each dragon to take your turn in petting them. Mr. and Miss. Lightly will stand beside the dragon, so you have nothing to fear. At the end of class they have agreed that they will each take one of you, so two in total, on a short ride with the dragon. Any questions?" No one rose their hand. "Okay, get in line."

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