The First Day Duel.

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The First Day Duel

"Merlin's beard, Rhiannon. You're still sleeping?" A vaguely familiar female's voice stressed.

For a second I had forgotten where I was but soon calmed down once I remembered the prior events. A loud yawn left me, as I cracked my eyes open seeing Lavender standing at the foot of my bed. She had her hands on her hips while tilting her head to the side.

I noticed that she had on what I could only assume to be the school uniform. A white dress shirt, with a red tie, was tucked into a long pleated skirt that fell just past the knees. Dark stockings were placed under the skirt allowing for no leg skin to be revealed, and plain black shoes adorned her feet. Over her dress shirt was a grey sweater and a plain black robe with the house symbol on the breast pocket.

My heart dropped in disappointment at the skirt; however, I would need to get use to this seeing as it was the 40's. With a small sigh, I snuggled further into my pillow ready to go back to sleep. Lavender huffed, throwing her hands in the air giving me an exasperated look.

"It's already twelve twenty-five, Rhiannon!" Lavender exclaimed, "You need to get up for lunch, you were only excused from the morning classes, you can't stay in bed all day."

"Eh, I'll just skip today." I waved her off.

When it came down to my high school career, I cared little for attendance. Honestly, I barely care about grades; I could care less about school in general. High school was a place where self-esteem, innocence, and dreams go to die. All people did at my particular high school was get high or vape, that was Montgomery High for you.

I don't care what school I was in; my attendance would not change. If I didn't want to go to class, I wasn't gonna go. Simple as that.

"SKIP!" Lavender roared, causing me to jump. "You can't just skip class! It's your first day! Get up now!" Lavender yelled, pulling my warm blanket away from my body.

"Okay, okay. Fine." I relented, pushing myself off the bed.

As soon as I was standing, Lavender launched a school uniform at me. I barely caught it, ducking when the shoes came flying at my face.

"Hurry up and change. I'll be waiting in the common room." Is all I heard before she left.

"Of course my first friend here needs to be a perfect student," I grumbled to myself, yanking the nightgown over my head—off my body.

Back at Montgomery, I was the typical definition of a disobedient delinquent. When I decided actually to show up, I would do no work whatsoever and only sleep in the back of the classroom. Unsurprisingly, History was the only class I excelled at.

Quickly, I placed Lavender's uniform on; it fit relatively well. Better than I thought it would. My only issue now was the bird's nest I called hair and the mess I made trying to tie the tie. My easiest route was to go with a simple braid to the side. I left the tie how it was labeling it as a lost cause.

I turned my head to the wall looking in a mirror that was in between both mine and Lavender's beds. The wooden floor creaked, as I walked toward the mirror looking at my reflection. My genes gave me the upper hand when it came to looks.

I had my mother's hazel eyes, dark brown hair, and my eyebrows were nice and thick. I wouldn't lie, my figure wasn't bad either. That's when an idea hit me. What was the best way to get into any man's head? Through their heart.

I could weave my way into Tom Riddle's heart, make him fall in love with me. Then I could surely change him.

I knew that he was born under the influence of Amortentia, and supposedly couldn't love—but I never believed any of that superstitious stuff.

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