See You Again.

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F O R T Y - F O U R
See You Again

Waking up with a pounding headache was definitely not on my list of priorities. My grace rustled restlessly around my body, trying to find a way around the spell. Who knew how long it would take before my grace was finally able to break through the spell.

The first thing to register was the fact that I was laying on an incredibly comfortable bed, it was softer than I thought possible. Red silk sheets spread over its gigantic size, a warm duvet on top of my body.

Looking around the room, I noticed it was large. Larger than most suite hotel rooms, it actually looked like it could be a small apartment. Shelves of what I could assume to be spell books lined the walls, a wooden desk smack in the middle of it all.

An emerald green couch stood a few feet away from the bed facing a burning fireplace, two large reading chairs on either side. My eyes made contact with the sleek midnight colored piano sitting in the corner of the room ideally, it looked as though it had never been touched.

My fingers itched, it had been a while since I played. Tearing my gaze away from the musical instrument, I breathed out at the sight of the black door carved with serpents. It probably led to a bathroom.

On the other side of the black door was another white door, probably the door to the closet. It wasn't until my eyes finally saw the small table with two chairs on either side and delicious well-prepared food on top of it that I took note of how animalistically hungry I was.

Throwing the duvet off me, my eyes wandered over to the fact that all my clothing was still on, only my boots having been taken off. Wiggling my toes, I sighed when my feet made contact with the black carpet.

The room was unrealistically clean, the only sign that someone actually resided in it being the few papers scattered on the desk. Next to the bed, my red backpack was open looking like someone had gone through it.

My heart pounded, my angel blade was not inside. Neither were the few pictures I had brought, the pictures were simply home photos. One was of my father and I when I first born, another of Balthazar and me when I was eleven, after that was the one of Alexius and me when I was fourteen and he was fifteen, the last one and by far my favorite of them all was the one of my mother.

It was taken early on in her pregnancy before she was even showing. The simplicity of it was almost unreal, she hadn't even realized my dad snapped the shot, she was only laughing at something he said. My mother was gorgeous, her smile seemed to light up an entire room, it was a picture that I held dear.

All of them were, but they were only home photos. Unless you knew who the people were, then no one would care for them. That's why I didn't understand why anyone would bother taking them.

All that was left in my backpack now was an oversized purple sweater; something that was my mother's, and my Yankees baseball cap. With a growl, I noticed the photos laying out over the desk as if someone had been studying them intensely along with the angel blade looking like it had been tampered with.

Heading for the food, I hungrily ate my way through it in record time. I couldn't remember the last time I was so hungry. It was only after my hunger that the thirst hit me, and alike to the food, the glass of water was gone in a matter of seconds.

Satisfied for the moment, though I had a feeling I'd be getting hungry sometime soon once more. Blocking off my grace as Tom's spell was doing was not going to come without effects. Hunger, fatigue, they were all side-effects of this. I had no doubt sickness was just around the corner.

Where was Tom anyway? This was no doubt his room. Blowing out a breath, I walked over to the desk sighing when I saw the pictures in perfect shape along with the angel blade.

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