Potion's Mayhem.

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Potion's Mayhem

Charms and Divination went by surprisingly fast; Tom only being in my Divination class. My last class of the day was Potion's which I only shared with Lavender, Walter having Muggle Studies. Since he was a half-blood, Muggle Studies was an easy O for him.

As soon as the both of us entered the classroom, I quickly saw who I could only presume to be the teacher having a conversation with Tom Riddle.

Tom Riddle sat at the very front table; alone. Lavender gave me an apologetic look as she moved to a table in the back sitting next to a Ravenclaw female.

I soon understood that this class had assigned seating, and turned my body back to face the Professor. He was on the shorter side for a male, with a thick straw colored Walrus-like mustache, and a big round belly. His prominent gooseberry eyes lit up as he laughed at something Tom had said.

In his laughter he caught sight of me, and quickly he motioned me over. "Oh, you must be my new student! Come!" He smiled in a friendly manner.

Tom had turned around, his icy eyes penetrating mine. With a raised brow—I made my way to them with a polite smile.

"Hello sir, I am Rhiannon Lightly." I told him, earning a large grin in return.

"Ah, Miss Lightly I had heard you were from the America's. Ilvermorny I presume?" He questioned, earning an affirmative nod from me. "Beautiful school it is, I have only been there once myself—but it is quite unforgettable. I am Professor Slughorn, your Potion's master."

"I must warn you, sir. I really am horrid at Potion's." I told him, knowing that I most likely would be pretty bad at making Potions and such.

Slughorn simply waved me off, his eyes darting around the classroom. The only empty seats being next to Tom Riddle and some other Ravenclaw boy. "Well, if you truly are as bad as you say with Potion's, it might be best that I place you next to my star-student. Tom m'boy, have you met Miss Lightly yet?" The Professor turned to Tom, who was analyzing me.

Flashing the Professor a smile, he shook his head. "No Professor, I am afraid I haven't gotten the chance to introduce myself." Tom said, before turning to me.

"Hello, Miss Lightly." He addressed me in the most well mannered way possible. "I am Tom Riddle, the fifth year student prefect of Slytherin. I would like to welcome you in the name of all Slytherin house, if you are in need of any assistance please do not hesitate to ask." He ended with an endearing smile, holding out his hand.

I looked to his hand almost hesitantly, as if he would snap at any given moment. It wasn't that I was scared of him, but I was more so confused. How is it that such a monstrous tyrant, was able to be so charming?

Tom looked taken off guard when I didn't immediately respond to his gesture. That was my first mistake. However, it was too late as he had no doubt caught the momentary flicker of befuddlement with his sharp eyes.

Swallowing thickly, I finally placed my hand in his own larger one. I expected for his hand to be cold, like he himself. Though, I was pleasantly surprised to feel he was a comforting warm temperature. That wasn't the only thing which shocked me though, it was the feeling of warmth through my chest that took me off guard.

What the hell?

We didn't shake hands for any longer than what was polite, his gaze giving away nothing that said he felt the same thing. I simply shook it off, thinking it must have only been my imagination.

Slughorn gave us both a smile, before waddling up to the front beginning to explain directions for the Potion we were to concoct. The whole time Tom Riddle watched my every movement as if I were some unknown creature that he was seeing for the first time.

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