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F O R T Y - T H R E E

Albus Dumbledore was dead. He has been for three months now. How odd was that? Here I was, perfectly capable of bringing him back, and yet he specifically asked me not to.

So far, everything was playing out similar to how it did in the original timeline. The only major thing I had managed to change was George not losing his ear. A couple of strings pulled by me, and he no longer was earless.

Tom knew I was in this time, it was an hour after Fred, George and I got back to the Burrow that headlines began spreading throughout the Daily Prophet on how Voldemort was making threats to whoever was allowing me to stay with them.

More Death Eaters attacked the Order trying to find me, Tom himself actually going out with them. It was quite interesting, but with struggle, I was usually able to stay one step ahead.

Hermione Granger whom I had met after the trio got back from Hogwarts was keen on knowing everything about my anatomy. In a small way, her cleverness and eagerness to learn sort of reminded of me of how Tom was.

Things weren't looking good, and I knew it was going to be time to go to Tom soon. Dumbledore, before he died, told me it was better that I wait a bit before I go to Tom trying to change him. Sitting with the Order of the Phoenix in the Burrow now, I was zoning out as they spoke about Voldemort's current moves.

"Voldemort has extreme numbers, his army is almost double to the size of us! Not to mention he's almost infiltrated the ministry, how are we suppose to fight that? We've lost our most powerful ally, our double agent has gone to the Death Eaters, it's lost cause!" Mundungus Fletcher cried in exasperation, all the members of the Order of the Phoenix looking simply tired and worn.

Remus Lupin who was holding hands with his wife, Nymphadora shook his head. "We need to keep fighting." He murmured, Sirius, glaring heatedly at everyone.

"Is this the sort of reaction Dumbledore wanted from us? No! We can't let everyone's death be in vain, we need to keep fighting for the ones who've fallen. For Lily and James, Frank and Alice, for Dumbledore, every life that psychopath has taken; no offense, by the way, Pandora..." I waved off Sirius knowing he wasn't lying, Tom was definitely a psychopath. "They weren't for nothing, so what Voldemort has double our followers, I'll tell you something he doesn't have. Someone to fight for..." I was intently listening to Sirius Black until a small voice began tapping at my head.

I was confused for a second, it was almost like someone was knocking on the door. Except this door happened to be inside my head. After a moment the repeated knocking got annoying, and I mentally opened the door allowing whoever was outside a pathway to communicate telepathically.

"Hello?" I questioned apprehensively.

"Bitch! What's good?" I should have known.

Alexius's voice drifted inside my head eagerly, his own thoughts beginning to run through the pathway. Why the hell was he communicating like this? Immediately I scowled remembering Dumbledore's words from a few months ago about Alexius taking Lavender.

"Did you get Lavender from Hogwarts?" I wasn't about to beat around the bush.

"Ummm....." Alexius was laughing nervously. "Maybe?"

"Really, hoe!" I screeched, applauding myself when I felt him cringe from wherever he was. "Without me knowing? How long has Lavender been with you?"

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