Bold Gryffindor.

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T H I R T Y - O N E
Bold Gryffindor.

"I sense bold sensations coming from the two of you!" Professor Dhakiki, the Divination professor cried, as he circled Alexius and I chanting an ancient Arabic charm.

Just your average day in Divination, I suppose. The class snickered, as Alexius and I stood up front being circled by a professor screaming in a language no one recognized. I felt like this was a punishment because we were both late for his class.

I only stood face flushed bright red, while Alexius danced next to me—soaking in the attention. Walter sat next to Lavender, clutching his stomach unable to stop himself from his hysterical laughter.

Lavender; though not laughing as hard, was very much laughing as well. Actually, now that I looked at it, the rest of the class was pretty much laughing. Looking Tom, I was surprised to find a grin on his lips—as he too let out a few chuckles.

I mean, it was understandable. Here was me just standing next to Alexius as he did the running man. Alexius started saying words in gibberish, nodding along with the professor.

"Alexius," I groaned, covering my face with my hands. "Please stop."

Alexius scoffed, suddenly stopping in his dancing. "You're right, dance with me." He stated, causing me to glare at him.

I scoffed a laugh. "No." Alexius narrowed his eyes at my refusal, Walter cheering me on to dance in the background.

An idea peaked in his gaze, as Alexius turned facing Tom Riddle who sat at a table with both Abraxas and Nott flanking his sides. "Tom, just so you know-" The Antichrist was cut off by me.

"WOBBLE, BABY!" I shouted, both my shout and the professor's chants successfully covering Alexius's voice.

Alexius turned to me in amusement as I danced, him joining me just a second after.

Alexius turned to me in amusement as I danced, him joining me just a second after

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"I hate you." I told him as the two of danced like dunderheads, Dhakiki continuing to circle us.

"Oh, you love me." He smiled, showing off his dimples.

The scene in front of the class, caused for the class to fully begin breaking down in laughter. In front Abraxas and Nott were crying from the amusement. Tom only shook his head smirking, desperately trying himself not to fall prey to the laughter.

"TELL ME WHAT IT IS YOU TWO FEEL!" Dhakiki shouted, Alexius wasting no time in replying.

"I feel alive!" He dramatically, clapped his hands while swivelling his hips. "I also am finding it immensely hard to ignore the beauty that is Sandy Greene." Alexius winked to the sixth year Gryffindor, who blushed.

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