Pity Party.

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T W E N T Y - T W O
Pity Party

"Luci'..." The archangel Gabriel's voice taunted, as he stood proudly in the center of a nice restaurant. "I'm home." He smirked to his brother who across the restaurant glared darkly at him.

" He smirked to his brother who across the restaurant glared darkly at him

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Standing across from Gabriel was his brother archangel. This archangel standing across from Gabriel the infamous fallen brother. This brother of his was someone who went by many names, someone who all people trembled upon hearing, someone who was meant to bring about the apocalypse.

He was known as Morningstar, Diablo, Satan, Devil? Any of those names ring a bell? This fallen archangel; however, only had one true name. One true name which he carried among both Heaven and Hell. A name which everyone used with caution.


Lucifer stood across the restaurant blood painted across his every fiber

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Lucifer stood across the restaurant blood painted across his every fiber. His vessel appeared to be having a hard time carrying the weight of Satan inside, as his face looked like it was ripping in multiple different places.

Lucifer moved his eyes to a woman lying on the ground, staring terrified into the very crystal blue irises of Lucifer. The Devil moved, ready to kill the woman behind Gabriel deeming her whimpering nature annoying.

Alike to a hero Gabriel moved in front of what appeared to be a human woman, holding his archangel blade threateningly in the face of Lucifer.

"Not this time, brother." Gabriel tilted his head with mischievous smile, tired of his brother killing anything within a mile radius of him.

Keeping his eyes firmly locked onto Lucifer, Gabriel reached down pulling up who Lucifer now recognized as Kali; the Hindu goddess. Kali was a pagan God, and on her own extremely powerful. However, she stood no chance against either the archangel Gabriel and especially not Lucifer.

Once Kali was held in his grasp, he turned looking to two men who were just standing from being knocked down. These two men were brothers; infamous supernatural hunters. The oldest of the two went by the name Dean Winchester, and despite being older he was the shorter of the two. The youngest by four years was named Sam Winchester, and he stood at toppling 6'4 in height, looking almost like a moose.

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