A White Wand.

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A white wand?

Whispers made there way around the Great Hall that Friday morning for breakfast. A fourth year Hufflepuff muggle-born boy by the name of John Derry had been petrified. He was found in the early hours of the morning by none other than the Ravenclaw prefect.

The female Ravenclaw prefect who had found him sat at her table crying, her friends comforting her. At first I felt bad for the prefect, but now her loud insensate sobs were beginning to get on my nerves. It was obvious now that they weren't even real cries, she was simply fishing for attention—and attention she got.

Many students had approached her giving her condolences and asking about how she found him —which she would then proceed to draw some big dramatic story. Lavender and Walter were both shook; for once not saying anything. In fact other than the whispers of the news, the entire Great Hall was silent.

All eyes fell on Tom Riddle and his small gang as they stepped in, making their way to the Slytherin table—which for once was actually quiet. I watched Tom, knowing that it was his Basilisk which petrified that girl. His gaze held no remorse and was expressionless as he sat down in the center of his 'friends'.

Once he sat, he moved his eyes over the Gryffindor table looking for something. He found that 'something' when his eyes landed on me. I couldn't find it in myself to be angry at him. I knew of his past actions when I entered this task, so him petrifying a student wasn't a huge surprise. Not only that, but in the course of my life I have seen far greater evil than this.

One of my many uncles is Satan himself, so you could say that Tom's dark aura didn't necessarily come as a fright to me. We held eye contact for a few brief seconds, before our attention was diverted to the front. Dippet stood from his chair, over-looking our faces.

"Last night, an unfortunate event struck the very heart of our school." Dippet began, much to the student's interest. "Fourth year Hufflepuff; John Derry, was found petrified. I want to put all your worries aside by saying that we are working very hard on finding the culprit. That will be all." He finished taking a seat once again.

My jaw nearly dropped at his sad attempt at a speech. He basically just told us 'yeah, well, some person is going around attacking students—we don't who, but don't worry we'll figure it out... eventually.'

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Tom smirk shaking his head at the Headmaster's idiocy.

With a breath of my own, I grabbed an apple standing from my spot at the table. Lavender gave me a questioning look along with Walter.

"I'll catch up with you two later, I'm just going to head to Transfiguration." I told them, making my way out of the Great Hall before either could argue.

Just as I left, I saw Tom getting up from the table his strides long as he followed after me. I snickered to myself at the thought of him following me alike to a puppy. Comparing Tom to a puppy, was like comparing a kitten to a spider. One was adorable, while the other was scary and mean.

It didn't take long for him to catch up to me. Looking over at him, I nodded my head. "Good morning Tom."

"Morning." He replied clipped, moving just an inch closer to my walking form in an almost weird possessive way.

My eyebrows furrowed at this, not understanding his newfound behavior. I stopped walking dead in my tracks, Tom turning to look at me with a raised brow.

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