Care of Magical Creatures: Unicorns.

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Care of Magical Creatures: Unicorns

I am proud to announce that since Saturday I had successfully avoided Tom Riddle. Of course, it was only Monday morning, but still considering it was; Tom Riddle, I would say I've been doing pretty good.

It didn't take Albert Einstein to figure out he was looking for me. After the Malfoy problem he was most likely quite eager to scold me.

I; in turn stayed put in the common room, entertaining myself by reading so that I actually somewhat had a grasp on Potions ingredients—and for once in my life doing homework. The homework thing was only because it was my first week of school here, but I can guarantee it wouldn't last.

For meals, Lavender would simply bring me something back understanding that it would be best I avoided Tom as long as possible. So far, it had worked. Even today for breakfast, I had skipped it—staying in the common room.

It wasn't until I had to leave for Care of Magical Creatures with a Professor Kettleburn that I made my retreat. Luckily, I made it outside without so much as anyone from Slytherin seeing me.

Walter, Lavender, and I stood with the rest of the class just outside the forbidden forest awaiting our professor. I scarfed down the toast the two brought me, not paying much mind as Lavender stroked my hair which was in it's usual braid.

"Why don't you ever wear your hair down outside our room?" She questioned curiously, thumbing at the soft strands. "It's quite beautiful in it's natural curly mane." She said, earning a small laugh from me as I finished the toast.

"Yeah, because my unruly curls are oh-so-attractive." I sarcastically snorted.

"They are!" Lavender defended, crossing her arms.

"Wait, I've never seen your hair down." Walter looked at my braid. "Now you have me curious."

"Okay fine," I held my hands up. "I'll wear it in two braids tomorrow, how about that?" I asked, earning groans from both parties. "Hey, I'm not trying to be known as the new girl with huge hair." I held my hands up.

Walter suddenly perked up as if remembering something. "Tom came up to us this morning." He stated causing Lavender to stand straighter—her eyes lighting up watching my reaction. "He wanted to know where you were, and why he hasn't seen you. If I didn't know any better I would say he's taken quite the liking to you." He waggled his brows, making me laugh.

"Or, he just wants to scold me for Malfoy's balls." I cringed after I said that. "That didn't sound right. Ignore that." Both prefect's laughed loudly at my word choice.

Lavender stopped laughing abruptly, taking a step closer to me. She looked over my body, making me uncomfortably shift my footing.

"Where are your robes!" She screeched, looking to me with a scowl. "And your tie!" She accused, shaking her head.

"Well..." I trailed off, awkwardly scratching my neck. "The robes are just too long, so I decided not to wear it. And you weren't there to help me with the tie, so I decided not to wear it."

She hit me over the head with a scowl on her lips. I winced rubbing the spot she hit, giving her a small glare.

"You can't just not wear things! It's school dress code!" She exasperatedly exclaimed.

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