A True Gryffindor.

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A True Gryffindor

T H R E EA True Gryffindor

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The older man standing next to Albus was the Headmaster of Hogwarts currently

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The older man standing next to Albus was the Headmaster of Hogwarts currently. Armando Dippet, born around the era I just left.

The sixteen-hundreds.

He gazed at me through luminescent green eyes, looking absolutely flabbergasted with me just standing here.

His office was huge, about the size of a living room in a larger house. It was decorated in a practical fashion, the only thing sticking out to me is the portraits of what I could only assume as previous Headmasters. There was a picture of himself here and there, with papers scattered about. Clearing my throat I turned my attention back to the men.

"Hello." I meekly said, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Hello." He replied in a clipped tone, his gaze rolling to Albus who stood watching us oblivious to the tension in the room. "Albus, we can't just accept random students. Not only that but do you know what hour it is?" The Headmaster exclaimed, looking at Albus with a scowl.

"Well, I figured it was best that she come now, whether than stay in that dingy old bar. Merlin only know's what could've happened to her had I just left her there?" Albus said, his blue eyes twinkling in a way that knew he made a fair point.

I'll tell you what would've happened. I would have went home, took a shower, and went to sleep. I also probably would have skipped school the next day just to sleep in.

Dippet sighed, running a hand down the length of his face. He shook his head as if debating on what to do. "I suppose you do make a fair point." He stated giving in rather easily, before taking out a wand from his robes.

He looked over Albus's head, pointing his wand to the one of the many cabinets. "Accio, sorting hat," Dippet stated, flicking his wand.

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