No More War!

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No More War!

The year is nineteen seventy-one, and the war between the U.S. and Vietnam is raging. After the whole snake thing; Tom, he proceeded to ignore me. I mean it had literally been two and a half weeks at this point, yet he refused to acknowledge me.

For the first week, I allowed him to have his space. By the second week, I was subtly trying to get his attention. I made faces across the classroom, launched bread rolls at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, and my personal favorite: continuously destroying the potions I worked on.

I mean I wasn't necessarily trying to destroy them, but still. All I received in return of this was blank stares from him. I was growing desperate to grab his attention—I told myself the only reason I wanted it so bad was because of the mission. However, I wasn't so sure that was the only reason.

After being in Hogwarts for a whole month, my natural thirst for adventure got the best of me. I made a split second decision that fine Saturday afternoon, to go ahead and make a quick trip to the white house during the seventies.

I now found myself protesting in a large mass of people against war. The group mainly consisted of young adults and teen hippies holding picket signs reading 'peace' and little sayings against war.

Everyone kept chanting the same thing, 'No more war'—looking to the white house hoping for president Richard Nixon to hear the words. I couldn't help but find the bell-bottom jeans and bright yellow sweater I wore, far more comfortable than the fashion of the forties.

Unlike the braid my hair was usually in at Hogwarts, it was pin straight: half pulled back, the normal curls no where to be seen. I was sly enough earlier, to get my hands on a wizarding newspaper. So far, nothing had changed—
Lord Voldemort was still on the rise.

My thoughts were knocked away when secret security came from the white house gates, yelling for people to leave.

"No more war! No more war!" I chanted along with the crowd, raising my own sign up in the air.

It read the simple sentence of, 'War; what is it good for?'

I had to say wizarding history was a hell of a lot more boring than muggle history. Even with Voldemort on the rise in Britain, I preferred to be over here the states protesting against causes like this. This was where I found my calling.

"War is good for nothing, stop this!" I screamed dramatically, unable to contain the pure joy I felt.

"Yeah, what she said!" A girl with blue hair, and the normal hippie attire stood next to me chanting.

I turned to her curiously, a smile on my face. "Wicked hair, bro." I complimented.

"Thanks! I'm Violet!" We had to yell in order to hear each other over the noise.

I was happy to finally hear the normal American accent I was used to, instead of all the proper British. Violet couldn't have been older than twenty-two as she was obviously out of school, but still held youth.

"Pandora!" I shouted back, not caring that I gave her my real name.

I wasn't going to ever see her again, and I highly doubted she had any ties to Heaven or Hell. If she was an angel I would have seen her halo, and if she was a demon I would have sensed her tainted energy. She had neither and I didn't smell witchcraft on her, so I figured I was in the clear.

Wizards and witches alike all gave off a certain waft; a stench, as some might call it it. It didn't smell bad or anything, but you could definitely tell a difference between muggle and wizard. The only one's who could smell the stench difference between muggle and wizard would be either an angel or demon. Of course, Nephilim and Antichrist being the exception: as we were half.

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