The Deep South.

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F O R T Y - O N E
The Deep South

"It's been awhile, how have you been?" Dumbledore brought a teacup to his mouth, sipping on the beverage.

After he placed an effective silencing spell on the Burrow's kitchen, we were free to speak privately. Albus was very keen on our privacy, some of the stuff he had to tell me were required to stay between only us.

"I mean, as good as I could be without my soul-bounder." I smiled gently, Dumbledore raising his brows at my words. "It's only been two years for me, I'm eighteen now."

Dumbledore smiled at that, setting his teacup on the table. "I remember when I first met you all those years ago, for you it's only been two years, for me, it's been just over fifty. Oh, how far we've come, you changed a lot with your presence to us. Changed Tom, that's for sure." I listened intently to Dumbledore's words, lightly tapping my fingers against the wood of the table.

It was just last night that the attack on the Burrow happened, Ginny let me sleep in her room with her. When I awoke, Dumbledore was already here chatting with Molly and Arthur at the table.

Molly and Arthur left the room to give us some privacy as well as to contact others in the Order for a meeting. As far as I was concerned everyone else was sleeping off what happened last night. Other than Remus and Tonks who went home after the catastrophe.

"You know, after Alexius and you were gone, Tom carried on. He pretended as if it didn't affect him, and for the most part, everyone believed it. I knew the truth though, on the inside Tom was even more shattered than before. It wasn't until one night toward the end of his seventh year that he came to me in a rage. I've never told anyone this, but Tom demanded to know why it was I allowed the ministry to drive you away like that."

"At first, the boy ordered me to summon you back, and when I told him I couldn't, you know what he did?" Dumbledore asked, the guilt beginning to hit me.

I had to suffer from the loss of a soul-bounder for only two years, Tom had gone through it for fifty. How could I do something like that to him?

"What did he do?" I inquired, Dumbledore giving a sad smile while shaking his head.

"Absolutely nothing, the boy went blank in the face. Tom spun on his heel and began making his way toward the door, just as he was about to grab the handle I stopped him, I had too. At the time, I found that it was only fair he should know the reason he was so attached to you. And so, I told him, yelled that the reason he loved you was that the two of you were attached by the soul...."

"What happened after that!" My voice carried, curiosity over the situation swirling inside.

Dumbledore gently took another drink of his tea, before looking at me once more. "He left, didn't say a word, simply clenched his fists and stormed out. I didn't hear another word out of him the rest of the year. However, I did see him searching up lore on Angels and Nephilim in the library. Time-travel methods, summoning rituals, tracking spells, he looked for everything. This didn't stop after he graduated either; yes, he was still on his quest for power, but he was also on a quest to get you."

"He still made his seven Horcruxes, but he was able to also brew up an anti-aging potion. It slowed his body-clock, that's why he doesn't look a day over twenty-one. When the ministry found out he was looking for you, they began searching as well. In their minds, if Tom managed to get you on his side, the world would end. I won't lie, one of the reasons I called for you now is because Tom got his hands on an ancient Angel summoning ritual. All he has to do is tweak it a bit so it calls for a Nephilim throughout any point in time, something which Tom is very much capable of doing." I hummed at his words, biting my lip nervously.

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