o n e|| How it all started....

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L u c y
One... Two... Three. "A bit to the left!"

"Aye!" Four... Five... Six! Last one.

"OK happy! You ready?"

"Aye sir!"

"Magic Whip!"

"Max speed!"

With full speed, Happy and I flew to the big boulder and I broke it in pieces with my whip with the help of Happy.
"Seven! A new record!" I yelled, excited. Happy sighed tiredly as his wings disappeared and landed in my arms.
"I bet Natzu can do more than that." Happy said tiredly.

"I suppose that's true. But. Look on the bright side. We improved by four! Tell me that's not awesome!" I cheered on the blue cat. All Happy could do was chuckle.
"Aye sir." He said weakly but managed a genuine smile.
"Great! Come on! Let's go to my apartment and I'll make us we brunch! K?" Happy smiled.

"Ok, Lushy." He said as he closed his eye lids and fell soundly asleep. I frowned as I kept on walking towards my apartment. Six months. That's how long the guild have been gone. Where? I don't know. But what I do know is that their on a 100 year quest.

I hugged Happy tightly as I remembered how the guild have abandoned us.

It was the day the queen of fiore herself came to our humble guild. All was normal, the sound of heart felt laughs and bizarre fights. All went silent, when princess Hisui cleared her throat.
"My fairy tail friends." She said. Her voice held tenderness and seriousness as she spoke.

"As the number one guild of fairy tail," the guild members' eyes widened as the queen said number one. Their eyes began to bore pride and highness. A sight that is all to familiar to me.
"For the first time in 5 years, a 100 year quest has been shone. And this request specifically states that the whole fairy tail guild will be taking part in this quest."

Of course, nothing would make me happier but... Would this affect the guild? Would they be like her father? Full of pride and only cares for their own reputation? No. I could not go through it again. Not now. Not ever!

12 Years [Fairy Tail Fanfic]  ✔Where stories live. Discover now