t h r e e|| Missing out

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They continue to walk to their guild hall. The members were so many. And on the way, more joined the guild and help them get rid of the evil. Two of them were surprisingly dragon slayers. Water and Earth.
"Before we go in, there is something i need to tell you." Hisui- who was with them, said.
"What is it your highness?" Erza asked.
"Ms. Fiore?" A new voice sounded and Hisui turned around quite surprised.

There stood a little girl with the looks of a ten year old. Her blond hair was let down with a portion of it tied to the side. Her skin was flawless and her eyes were medium brown and has a cheerful glance. As she smiled,a certain salmon hair couldn't help but think.

She looks like Lucy.

"Melody! What are you doing here?" Asked Hisui, as sweat dropped from her neck and her eyes was still wide with shock.
"Oh? Uncle is inside tending to gramps." She answered.
"Gramps?" Laxus mumbled.
"Hey kid! Who's gramps'?" He asked as fear bubbled up inside. Melody caught a glimpse of Laxus's fairy tail mark. No. It couldn't be.
"Answer me kid!" He yelled.
"Laxus! Calm down!" Erza scolded.

"Macarov Dreyar... His name is Macarov Dreyar." The guild members went silent.
"No.." Wendy hugged her little white exceed as sadness whelmed in her. Without no second thoughts, the guild members ran up to the fairy tail guild simultaneously, leaving a confused Melody, and a sad queen.

That guy's guild mark. It looks just like mama's tattoo.


N a t s u
We ran. Air was leaving and entering my chest fast. My lungs burned at the little amount of air its receiving. But i didn't care. My breathing became faster and I felt my muscles tear apart.
No. We must hurry! It could not be him! Melody is just... messing around! We finally reached Fairy Tail, and surprisingly, nothing changed. We burst through the doors and was face to face with a dusty guild hall. It looked liked it haven't cleaned for years.
"Oh my Mavis." The sight left us sad. We had really been gone for a long time.

I and a few others went up to the second floor and to the infirmary, where Master would've been. We went inside and found him sitting up in bed. Beside him was a young boy, maybe early twenties who was checking his hand.

"Mr. Macarov, remember to get your meds. Only once a day, OK?" He said. The voice was somehow familiar. But I could not pinpoint its sound.
"Thank you, boy." Thanked master.
"Master..." He turned to us and gave us a observing look. His eyes trailed along our bodies and looked soulfully in each and every one of our eyes.

Not before long, his eyes widen and a grin spread across his face. The boy next to him, stared at us. His eyes were confused as he sucked in his cheeks.
"Well, in all my years. My children."
"Master/ gramps!" All of us jumped to him completely ignoring the blue haired boy.

"Welcome home, brats!"


We all celebrated our return and cleaned the guild halls. It was now clean and bright like the good all times. Mirajane was back in the kitchen, happily cooking our food. Laxus was speaking with gramps in the infirmary, and Cana was drinking again. good ol days. but... I looked around hoping to find a certain blond girl who was suppsedly 28. Where is she? I thought wearily. she could've been here. I looked around for Happy only to find him gone as well.

"Master? Where is Luce?" The whole guild gone quiet as I mention the Blondie's name. The master looked down sadly.
"Well Natsu. Ever since the guild left, Happy and Lucy trained, restless. And took countless missions. They soon got an S class mission and got out. This was 11 years ago. I guess the mission was to hard for the to handle. But in the end they succeeded two things. Completing the mission...."

"And lose their memories."


So they are fairy tail. I scoff. So cheerful. I smiled as they hugged Mr. Macarov and telling stories. Well. I am no longer needed. I packed my stuff in a little green pouch and walked outside the guild. The minute I stepped foot outside. I changed back into my fluffy self. I swing the green pouch over my shoulder before growing my wings and took off.

I heard a slight rumble and groaned. "Great! Now I'm hungry! Oh kami!" I flew to Lucy's house and went through the window and ended up in the kitchen. I opened the ice box with my paws and brought out a fish. "Yum!"

After eating, I went to my room and found a folded tux lying on my bed.
I smile and change into my human form. Arigatou, Lucy nee. I smiled and wore the tux. "Well! I'm coming girls!"

Sorry. This chapter ended up short but please have a heart and bear with me! >~<|||


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