f i v e|| Just a thought

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"Aries form: Ram!" Lucy chanted as she pushed her arms forward. "Attack!" The man than felt a strong force contact his front and was slammed against the wall. The man pulled out his sword and ran forward. "Too slow!" Lucy appeared beside the man and side kicked him causing him to fly into the wall. "Leo form: Lioness." Her out fit then changed into a formal kind.

She wore a dress that is fit for a ball. Her dress was dark black and a red sash outlining the color in a wavy output. Her sandals were polished black and her long sophisticated black skirt had an open, showing off her thighs. The guy blushed as he examined her flawless legs. Natsu just stared at the man like a dog who's trying to bite someone's ass.

"Too distracted, Aquarius form: Water bearer!" A invisible liquid form suddenly contacted the man's body and he started to suffocate. How did Lucy become so powerful?

"Lady Lucy that's enough." Hisui said as she gently put a hand on Lucy's shoulder. Lucy nodded before changing into her floral pink dess. The man gasped in deep breaths as he hit the floor. Lucy walked towards him in her floral dress, she was lifting the rims of her dress, careful not to step on the shattered chandelier that she destroyed earlier in the one sided battle.

The man scurriesd back, arms flung around like some mad man. "Get her away from me! P-please! Show mercy!"

The queen glared before calling on the gaurds. "Arrest him!" The gaurds nod and took the burglar away. All fairy tail did was stayed and watched in astonishment.

Hisui watched them with worries clouding her eyes. What happened to the guild that always break the rules? The ones who destroyed the castle? The one who made simple things into a dramatic scenes? Who just can't have enough advetures?

"Your ladyship. Apologies. But you must consider canceling this-" Lucy looked as the fairy tail members looked at her with tears in their eyes. "-ball?"

"Lucy!" Suddenly they threw themselves at Lucy surprising her and Hisui. "Oi! What in the world- who are you people?!"

The whole guild froze as they heard those words. How could they forget? She forgot them. "Eto.. Sorry."

Lucy, still confused, nodded. "It's alright, I guess." The members smiles as one by one left, wiithout knowing what to do. Only one remined, Natsu. He looked at Lucy with longing eyes, as if waiting for something to actually happen.

"Wait, wait! Guys I'm joking! Come back!" At least that's what Natsu wats to hear.

But nothing happened. "Um. I want to introduce to you, Lucy Heartfillia Tsubaki." Natsu's heart broke as he heard the last name.
"She is the celestial knight, and my personal escort." Hisui cleared her throat as the awkward atmosphere seems to rise.

God this is so awkward....

Lucy was in her house, th next day, replaying the scenery in her mind of the one sided reunion of the fairy tail members. "I expected to be... rowdy." Lucy frowned in dissapointment.

"Why should I be concerened? Of course their well-mannered. They're the most respectable guild in fiore. But why does something feels missing?'

"Lucy-onee!!!!!" Lucy was interrupted in her thought as Happy, in his human form, scurried down the stairs, shirtless. (A/N: He looks hot and cute at the same time in mah mind XD)

"Why you no let me in ze action, eh?" He said in fake british accent. Lucy laughed in respoons. "I'm sorry but you were pretty late." Happy frowned as he huffed.

Lucy went back in her own world as she looked down the floor with dull eyes. That man with pink hair... Why- "Oi! Are you ok, Lucy-nee?" Happy asked concerned.

Lucy just looked at him and smiled. "Just a thought..."

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