S e v e n|| Beach Party

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Being the kind queen, Hisui is, she threw a beach party. She said being formal isn't fairy tail's style. But the way she talks tells me she has another reason behind it.

I looked around, seeing the members of almost every legal guild cheer and dance. It was evening, so some couples sat on the beach and watch the sun set. I turned around to see Melody building a sand castle with Sasuke.

She met Sasuke a little over a year ago, he had silver hair and deep blue eyes. He was slightly shorter than Melody but he would never admit it. "Hello Lucy." An angelic voice said.

I turned around and my sight settled on a curvy figure. Her hair was pure white and had baby blue eyes. I could not help but notice the similarity between her and Sasuke.

"My name is Mirajane Strauss. But you can call me Mira." I smiled and took her hnd which she offered and shake it. "I'm Lucy. Lucy Heartfillia." Mira returned her dmile and nodded.

"I know." We turned ad watched the kids chasing a panicking Happy. "It's nice isn't it?" She asked again. Her voice sounded distant.

"It sure is."

"Hey Lucy?" I replied with a hum, while turning my head to face her.

"If you ever had amnesia. What would you do to the people whom you use to remember?" Her question shocked me.

Happy and I have lost our memory and caught only fragements from our past. It was like we were born 11 years ago. What would I do if I ever face the people from my past?

I frowned and thought deeply. They would be hurt and I wouldn't notice.

"I never really thought of it. Happy and I have lost our memories 11 years ago." I said.

Mira just gave an 'oh' response.

"But if I ever met the people from my past. I would try and remember as much as I can! Even if I have to fry my own brain." I grinned childishly.

I was a little surprised but I concealed it quickly. Why did I act like that in front of her?

"Why?" Mira asked, her eyes looking sad.

Why? "Cause I can't let them suffer alone when I forgot."

Why? "Because I want to remember the good times and laugh with them."

Why? "Because I need to be the real me."

Mira stood quiet. Around us, the torches seemed to be the only thing there. The fire danced and flickers. The firey petals flowed around us and landed softly on the sand beneath my feet.

"Thank you." She finally mumbled. Thank you?

"Well bye!" Mira smiled and skipped away, leaving me confused. What is up with that woman? Huh.... Weird.

I was sitting with Happy and Melody on the beach blanket, eating my homemade beachy meal. When I mean that I mean Sandwiches.

"I met on of the Fairy Tail members today." I said. Happy tilt his head while biting into a Tuna sandwich.

"Funny. I met one today also." Happy said as I chuckle.

"Really!? Tell me about it uncle Happy! Tell me!" Melody shouted and tackle Happy.

I swear she is gonna grow up to be a badass. . . Like meh!

"Ah!" Happy fell with a tiny blond girl clinging onto his neck. "Okay, okay! Off!"

Melody ginned her enchanting smile and got off happy. I smiled as I look at her.

Just like your father.

The only thing she inherited from her father was her personality and her love for vanilla.

Melody is the only thing that I ever have left from the love of my life. And I will never leave her.

"Hey are you listening?!" Happy yelled, snapping me from my trance. "Ha? Oh yeah,"

Happy glared.

"Alright. Guilty."

Melody cheered.

And I sighed.


I was walking on the beach, looking around seeing the fairy tail people fight, argue, laugh, talk, and fight. I snickered.

How carefree are these people?

Never have I met such people.

I continue to walk in my human form. Once I was tired, I turned into my cat form and sat. I take my fish from my green pouch and ate it.

"Hello." A soft and mature voice said. I turned to see a cat. Did she say something?

"I'm an exceed. Like you." Her voice was so distant. I smiled at her hoping to cheer whatever is letting her down.

Her fur was pure white. It looked so soft, I looked at her eyes and saw that it was chocolate brown. It sparkled and held maturity. Like Lucy's.

She wore a pink outfit. It was a one piece bikini, she had only one strap that went over her shoulder and it released a flowy design.

"I'm Carla." The cat finally said, breaking me from my trance.

"O-Oh. I'm happy." I smiled. Carla smiled and giggled.

Can I tell you something?

Her giggle... is freaking cute.

I felt my face heat up. Her giggle is too effective for me.

"Hey.. How did you transform. You know, into a human?" She asked.

"Oh. Well. You just picture yourself as one. You don't use magic. It's just.. part of our origin." I explained.

"Can you teach me?" She asked hopefully. I smiled. "Sure. But it will take awhile."

Carla grinned. "Great!"

"So are you free tomorrow?" I asked while tilting my head.

Carla immediatley nodded. Before I went, Carla held my hand. "Wait!"

I turned back and looked at her. "Hm?"

"If you picture me in a human form. H-How would I look?" [Omg, Carla STUTTERED, A/N]

How would she look? Hmmmm..

Her face would be heart shaped, her brown eyes would look stunning on light peach skin. Her hair? It would be a long flowing pure whit hair, with a hello kitty pin on the side of her head.

Carla continues to look at me, waiting for her answer.

I smiled and wave my paw at her while walking. "You will be the most beautiful creature I have ever seen."

And that was it, I saw her face flush red. "See you tomorrow, Carla!" I grinned and sprout my wings and took off. But not without hearing her.


I sighed after explaining my story and looked at the girls. Melody was squealing as Lucy smiled.

"And that was my story."

Offical ending of chapter s e v e n
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And while your at it, please tell me what you think so far?
And finally, a Cappy moment. XD

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