e l e v e n|| Melody

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The famous fairy tail guild. I always wanted to meet them. But now that I do, they seem a little different from what Gramps told me about.
"Melody!" Dammit. I turn to see the principal from my school. Her name was Tsunade Senju. A scary woman.
"Not good, not good." I said casually as I stood back up an dusted my uniform. The blue long sleeved sweater covere half of my short green skirt. A perfect wear for the weather. "Melody!" Oh that's right! School.

"Weep!" I jumped on my right foot and glided to the house using my magic. As I landed on the roof I continued my pace, hearing Lady Tsunade behind me as I did. I sighed. School can wait for now. It's time I fulfill my promise.

Even as a six year old, I always think too mature. That is why I act so bobbly around others. Except for my family and Sasuke of course. What should I get this time? Come to think of it, I-

"Ouch!" I felt my butt hit the cold hard ground. "Ouchie." I whimpered. What in the world did I ran into? It felt slim and hard.
"Ow. Gomenasai." I heard a voice apologize. I hitched my breathe. Could it be?

I felt my face flushed red. He's squeezing my-
"Huh? Squishy..." I cannot believe this. "Kyaaaaaa!" Before I knew it, I kicked Sasuke in the face and he flew up!
"Melody!" He called in surprise. "Ow why did you hit me?"
I felt a tick mark appear on my forehead. "I don't know, maybe because you squeezed my butt! That is lewd! Even for a seven year old!" I yelped.

"What's lewd?" That is not the issue here! Dammit Sasuke just you wait-
"Wait. What are you doing here?" I asked. Sasuke smiled.
"You were not in school so I predicted you are heading to that shop." He smiled.
"You were right." I said, "As always."

He lended me his hand and pulled me up. "So, what do you think of Fairy Tail?" I asked him.

He looked surprised before looking down. "Well..." Huh? He's silent.

"Sasuke-kun. This is abnormal. Normally you would talk about our future." I chuckled. Ssuke was the kind of guy who was passionate about love. Even at a young age, he could not wait to experience his first fall in love.

"I'm gonna marry a girl who is a complete goddess! Those girls who are girly and is very polite! And have long hair too!" He says.

So what if I'm not girly and have short hair! It's not like I care! "AHHHH!"

"M-Melody-chan?" Woops. I screamed too loud.

"No-nothing. Anyways, let's hurry before Old man Shikamaru sleeps again!"


"Huh! Sasuke!" I turn to see Sasuke down in front of Natsu. "Uncle Natsu why?"
"Sasuke! Are you okay- Wait? Uncle Natsu?"

N a t s u
I was walking until I bumped into Sasuke. "Oof!" Oops! He fell down on his butt. "Huh? Sasuke!"
I look over to see the girl that was with Happy. Melody was it?
"Uncle Natsu why?" He whimpered. I chuckled and stand him up. "Sorry kid."
"Sasuke! Are you okay- wait? Uncle Natsu!" She suddenly yelped.

Sasuke immedietly turned red. He still haven't told her? Uhhhh. Smecks.
"Why didn't you tell her about us?" I whisper yell at him. Sasuke glares at him.
"What do you think?" Well. Nothing less expected from a love passionate kid. Just like his mother.

"Sa-suke-kun!" Melody's aura became a little darker. Holy smecks- "Hya!" She drop kicked us both on the head befoe i predicted it. Huh? How did I not predict that?!



"Sasuke you better explained this in 3.. 2.. one-"


Holy smecks what did he just say?
"Oh really? Okay I guess but your language is bad. earn to use proper English/Japanese." Melody states casually.
What?! How could she get that?!
Sasuke sighed in relief. "Oh good. Cause I was scared that-"

Wham! "Yeah! You better be!"

Aish! This kid's got some issue!

"You guys owe me big time." She said. What?! Even me!

"Anyways where are you going Melody?" I asked.
"Oh yeah! I'm supposed to meet Shikagramps to help him with the music shop!"

I tilted my head. "Shikagramps?" I asked confusingly. What a weird name.

"It's her way of saying Grandpa Shikamaru. I told her to call him properly but she says it's too long." He shakes his head in disapproval following with a sigh.

I look at Melody closely and realized of all the details about her that i missed. She and Sasuke were bickering and arguing. I realized that her hair was not actually blond.

I could see white hair roots at her scalp. I don't understand. Is blond not her natural hair color?

And what's even more confusing is that the way her hair is colored makes it look like she wants to hide her hair color

What a weird girl.

e l e v e n
Imma end it here!
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