S i x|| What should we do?

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ok so last update was the shortest of the chapters, and i'm deeply sorry for that. So this chapter WiLl Be LoNg! BuT nOt ExTrA lOnG bEcAuSe I'm LaZy As HeCk ;)


Fairy tail sat in their guild, being rowdy but not that much. The happy tune did not seem to play as loudly as well. "Mirajane." Master called the white haired mage as she trotted to him.

"What's wrong, master?" She asked, concerned. Master's eyes seemed sad as he watched the settled guild. "What exactly...happened?" He asked hesitantly. Mira's eyes held immediate sadness as she looked at the guild, a small smile formed on her lips.


"Mr. Macarov!" A voice shrilled as the doors were pushed open. All of fairy tail turned their heads to see the same blue head child at the entrance. "It's time for your- whoa! Its full!" Happy awed at the sight of the once empty guild replaced with many mages.

However, the emptiness is still there. For some reason, Happy felt fustrated. "Come in my boy." The small well built but slender boy walked into the room, feeling awkward under the stares of the guild. What's their problem?, he thought.
"Uncle Happy let me out!" A squeaky voice shrilled. Happy's eyes widen as he put the bag down.
"Oh! Right!" He laughed as he untied his green pouch. Within seconda, a little girl rose from the pouch, gasping for breath.

"Jeez!" It's that girl, Natsu thought. "Melody me girl! Come give your ol' gramps a hug!" Master laughed as the girl hugged the man. "Hi gramps!" She greeted cheerfully.

Melody felt someone staring at her, so she turned her cheerful glance to Natsu. He studied her with an intense stare, memorizing her younger features. The girl, who was unfazed from the man's glare like stare just gave her signature.

The only thing different is their smile, Natsu thought. Lucy's smile would reach her eyes and match the excitement in her eyes. It was a childish goofy and silly grin at the same time.

Melody's though, held deep cheerfulness and positivity. When small, it's cute but when big, it was radiant. To sum it up her smile was enchanting.

"Master, I forgot to mention but we have new recruits." Juvia interrupted as she bring forth two girls. Macarov studied them and nodded in approval.

"What are your names?" He asked. A girl with brown hair and a long green cloak that matched her eyes replied with a montoned voice. "My name is Gaia."

The second one with long darker blue hair, big brown eyes, and a small figure, followed, with her short squeaky voice. "Athena."

"Well, Gaia. Athena. Welcome to fairy tail."

Melody looked at them in confusion. There was a strong connection between them. Why was it- why was their aura so.... different?


"Master. About Lucy and Happy." Mira started as all the members were gathered up in the big infirmary room. Macarov sighed as he look out to see Melody and Happy playing in the back yard.

"Lucy and Happy ei?" He let out a tiring breath. Natsu furrowed his eyebrows. There was one question he always wanted to ask. "What are we going to do?"

Everyone became alert and patiently wait for master to answer. Macarov sat on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. What to do ei?; Macarov internlly sighed. That was a question he had a hard time to answer.

Lucy and Happy was the light of the fairy tail guild. They were like an on and of switch while the others were the light bulb. Ever since they lost their memories he got stuck in a predictement. Macarov closed his eyes and remembers the day Luvy and Happy were finally awak from their deep slumber.

Like every tale begins, it was about 11 years ago. A year after fairy tail left. Lucy and Happy were sleeping in the infirmary and were watched over by the royal doctors of Princess Hisui.
"Are they alright?" Macarov was standing in his usual suit asking about the two severly injured mages.

"I am sorry sir. But they have amnesia."

"We start a new." Everyone's ears perked up as the master continue to look at the ceiling. That was probably the best choice they have. He could not risk getting them in stressful moments.

"We introduce ourselves. Make new memories, And when she goes throught the point of remembering, we will help her." Macarov looked tiredly at Happy and Melody once again.

The guild was sad. But what choice do thy have?

It was the best decision for now.

K, thanks for reading guys!

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