s i x t e e n||Interrogation

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Melod stares blankly at her food. The crsipy toast was covered with golden butter, accompanied with friend eggs. Her favorite meal. But even with heaven in front of her, she was still lost in her thoughts.

A clear image of a girl appeared in her mind. Short white hair, baby blue eyes, and pale skin. Those were the three images that she took notice in.

Melody let out a sigh. All these images were very confusing. But it supposedly helped make things clearer for her family. For as long as Melod knows, her family were considered normal, but... also very strange.

When Melody was very young, she would often find Happy and Lucy space out. Something would roam in their minds and then disappear in the next second.

"It's like it doesn't want me to remember." Her mother said.

"Remember what, mommy?" Little Melody asked.

"That's the thing sweetie.... I don't know."

Melod let out a sigh and picked her food. All this thinking really hurts her brain.

"Dear, you've been sighing recently. Is there anthing going on in your mind?" Lucy asked her child as she noticed Melody's unusual behavior.

"Yeah. I also noticed ou were awake last night." Happy said.

Last night? Melody panicked.

Did he see her going through her mother's memories?

"Rea-really? I don't remember.. what was I doing again?"

Happy gave her a confused look. "Oh nothing really... You were just spacing out."

Melody gave a sigh. Thank God.

"And your mouth was open too. Like this~!"

Happy pulled out a salmon and made it 'smooch' Melody's cheek.

"Eww! Uncle Happy! NO!" She screeched with laughter. Lucy gave a chuckle.

"Mom~ Stop him!" Melod yelled.

"Oh now why would I?"



Melody runs her hand through her blond hair. Her big brown eyes stares back at the mirror as she sees herself in her uniform.

"I promised mom I would go to school.." She said.

"But honestly I don't feel very motivated right now." She sighs.

"Maybe I should skip for today..... Nah."

Melody wore a white small sized polar shirt and a black short skirt.

Melody took a red green ribbon and tied a strand of her hair on the side. 

"You look like your mother in her younger days." she heard a voice behind her.

"She doesn't even know anything before she turned 17." Melody mumbled.

Happy's eyes widen once he sees Melody's grouchy side.

"You're mother and I lost our memories and I'm sorry about that. But we agreed that we'd try to remember our past together. Right Melody?" He pats her head. Melody nodded silently before giving a short reply.

"Yeah." Happy smiles with satisfication before kissing her cheek and walks out of the room, leaving Melody stare at the mirror.

Even if you're trying to remember the past... the past is not trying to remember you, Uncle.

Melody turns to look outside the window. The wind blew and Melody's eyes widen. Long white wavy hair flows wit the wind, and her guilf mark appears under the thick hair.

Melody drop her bag and smiles.

"Looks like I'm not going to school after all."

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