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Melody slid out of her window and runs down the road. Her mother and uncle's house, despite them being a high offical knights, live in a small cottage near the school. they weren't really interested in fame but people just likes to talk.

Melody hurries into the school ground and looks around for the Strauss girl. Ironic how she said she wasn't going to school. Becaue right now it's where she exactly is.

Melody sighs. "I should've bought my bag."

"Oi kiddo. thinking of skipping school again?" Her uncle came forward with her pink bag pack over his shoulder.

"Uncle Happy! Glad you got my bag!" she runs to the human exceed and takes her bag.

"By the way uncle when are you going to change into an exceed?" Melody asks out of curiosity. Happy shrugs.

"Guess I love being handsome." happy gave a laugh. "But uncle you're handsome no matter what! And cute, too!" Melody whines.

Happy smiles and bends down to pat the girl. "Even so.. I feel that my exceed side is weak.. And I can't protect you and mom without power and will, right?"

"But how would you know that you're weak?" Melody pouts.

"...because someone told me.. I'm not sure who it is Kiddo. But it's true." Melody snickered. Her uncle is the most powerful exceed they'll ever see! And that is a fact.

melody was going to say so but she felt her uncle remove his hand from her blond hair. "Go to school, kid. You might be late."

"Okay uncle." Melody softly obeyed, instantly forgetting of the Strauss. Seeing the emptiness and confusion in his eyes... it was happening again.

"what's wrong, Mel?" Melody turns to see John Maw. She met him since she was little er- littler.

"John!" She smiles. "It's been a while!" She cheers.

John snickers. "Yeah, two weeks of me time which i didn't ask for and a no communication from you."

"i'm sorry!" She laughs. "Oi you don't sound sorry."

She hugs the green haired boy and the noy hugs her back. "What's wrong? It's not like you to get emotional."

melody smiles. "No reason. Anyways John, i gotta go. i still haven't checked in yet!" She smiles.

John nodded and gives a wave at the little girl. 'see ya'


Mirajane strolls the school grounds her son attends to. She was very impressive oof the school system, that it almost feels like home.

"Ow!" Mirajane turns to see a little girl just trip over. mirajane was about to go help when another girl came over.

"Hey are you okay?" The other girl has blond hair with a small strand tied to the side, brown eyes glistened under her few bangs, and she praticularly glowed.

Mirajane recognize her as the kid who was with Lucy.

The girl looks up and Mirajane got taken back. She feels a rush of sadness take over her.

the girl's eyes wasn't just brown, but it was blue. Her blue eyes got Mirajane off gaurd.

The blue-ish brown in the girl's eyes did not make sense at all.

But it's a good thing her eyes are like that, if it was as brown as Lucy's, Mira would've break down in front of the girl.

"Are you okay Miss?" Mirajane heard the child and smiles. "Oh I'm fine."

Melody gives a genuine smile.

Mirajane took a moment to replay the smile the girl gave. Everything about the girl is just so confsuing.

"Hey what's your name? I've seen you with Lucy but I never caught your name."

"Oh! I'm Melody. Melody Heartfillia Tsubaki."

"Tsubaki?" The girl nods.

Mirajane smiles as she realizes. This is Lucy's child.. Of course, there was a strong resemblance.

At one point, Mira did take notice but she didn't want to admit that Lucy-

"Miss Strauss." Mira quickly look up and saw the beautiful blonde woman.

"Its's nice to meet you." She smiles.

"O-Oh. Hello Miss Heartfillia." Mira gave a side smile.

"How did you know my name? I don't recall telling you."

Mirajane simply laughs. "Oh I have my resources."

Lucy tilts her head and grins. "Well. How may I help you?"

"Oh nothing. I was just admiring the new advanced town." Mira said sadly.

It's true. It is advanced, but it was too much.

"12 years really is tiring huh?" Asks Melody.

"Melody." Lucy scolds.

"It's fine. I know it was such a long time. I remember when I had to leave a friend behind. It's marvelous how much my friend has grown." Mira says as she looks at Lucy.

Lucy smiles as Melody stares at the Strauss. "I bet she's beautiful." Melody says.

Mira laughs. "She really is. Well, I have to go now."

Lucy nods. "Farewell, Miss Strauss."

Miss Strauss is too formal. Lucy.. "Call me Mira."

Lucy smiles. "Then call me Lucy."

Mirajane smiles, bid farewell to the little girl and strides away.

Melody looks at the descending figure. "Let' go, Melody. You have class."

Melody held her mothers hand and follows her. "Okay, mom."

As Mirajane continues to walk, she recalled what the girl said.

Mira turns around immediately.

How did Melody know her friend was a girl?

Hey guys! I am friggin back from a Looooong Hiatus. I'm sorry for the
wait! I was so busy with school and let me tell you- High School is a pain
in the ass for me. Anyways new anime recommendation-


Im pretty sure many of you have seen this- its not complete yet but you will fall
in love with it. Trust me!

Until then, bye!

                      ~ RJ

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