f o u r t e e n|| John Maw

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Natsu and Gray walked up the steps with a frown on their faces. Wendy and Erza followed behind sighing every now and then as Carla just smoothly flew over the steps. "Aish. Are you guys really gonna whine over what a elemntry kid say?" Carla sighed in her Neko form. To this day, Carla have been training with Happy for over 4 months and she was able to transform partially. "What do you expect Carla? The just got owned by a kid." Erza smirked. The two boys goaned.

"Changing subjects. How long till we get to Crocus Elementry?" Wendy sighed. Erza tapped her chin giving a thoughtful look. "We've been walking for over 15 minutes and we're not almost there." She sighed. Wendy looked pleadingly at Carla wh only sighed in return. "Hai hai." Wings immedietly popped up and carried the team. Using her max speed, she manage to bring the four mages to the end of the stairs.

Like Levy, they awed at the building in front of them. "Sugoi!" Natsu awed in delight. Gray just stared with his mouth agaped causing Erza to close it while staring at the building in front of them. "Wow! It's beautiful!" Wendy yelled.

"Oh! You guys are here.?" The all turned to see the boy that burned Gray and Natsu. [Gray & Natsu: Do you have to mention that?!]

The group stared at the boy in awe as he was not panting and not breaking a sweat. "what the hell man! You came up here before us?! We were even flring thanks to Carla!" Gray yelled. The boy nodded. "So that's why you're fast. A normal person would've been here in two hours or so." The boy stated.

"But when did you get here?" Erza asked. On the way up, they had not seen th boy. The boy sighed. "An hour ago and twenty four minutes."

"WHAT!? We met that time!" Natsu yelled. The boy nodded. "Exacty. I just got here before you two idiots!"

And once again, the brave Natsu and the powerful Gray was owned by a unknown boy. "Now you know how we feel!" The two suddenly yelled tot he rest of the team.

On second thought, the whole team got owned....


"Hahahahaha! oh man! Hahahahaha!" Lucy laughed as Team Natsu grumbled and breathe some curse words. The group manage to find Lucy and immedietly went through some business. Once they were done, they talked about some things changed in Fiore until somehow the topic changed to the boy with the Sharp Tounge.

Lucy manages to calm down and wiped tears from the corner of her eyes. "Sorry. Sorry. The boy you're taking about is John Maw. A promising student but can't help but fall back in his acedamic awards." Natsu laughed and pump up his fist in victory. "Ha! Not so smart ei!" He yelled.

"Says the one who doesn't have a subject he's good at." Gray mumbled. "Oi what'chya say?! You hairy yeti?!" Lucy's cheeks puffed u instantly. Hairy Yeti!? "What did you call me you fire shit?!" Lucy burst out laughing. The two continue to insult each other making a vein pop on a red head's forehead. "Stop it!"


Scary! Lucy thought. Wendy sighed and Carla shook her head in disapproval. "Sorry Mrs. Hea- Tsubaki," Wendy caught herself when she remembered.

Lucy is Married.

"This always happened." The two stop fighting, Gray looks at Natus who looks down with a blank look. Lucy smiled. "It's fine.. But please. Call me LUcy." The team smiles and Natsu grinned. "Okay!"

"Hey Lucy. You said John Maw is a promising student. But what do you mean by that?" He asks. Lucy smile as the team stared at him in awe. Nastu looked down causing the team to follow the direction of his view. They laughed silently once they saw-

Natsu flippin them a middle finger!

Lucy smiles and stood up. "Lemme show you something." She starts leading the team into the buildng, and it was glorious. Red flags hung down from the ceiling and a long fluffy light pink mat covered the entire floor causing the team to take off their shoes.

"It's amazing!" Wendy gasped. Lucy chuckled. "You see when I meant 'slacking off' I meant he does not do any work at all. However, John carries a magnificeent mind. He's IQ is over 200, making him one of the most magnificent mind in the country."

The team's jaws fell on the floor. Not literally. "two... two hundred?" Erza manged to ask. Lucy nodded. "I don't get it. Then why is he in sixth grade?" Wendy asked. "He wants to be like any other normal child. Besides he is a big help to the school."

"What do you mean?" Lucy smiles at Carla's queston and just put a finger to her lip as soon as they got to a big door. "Shhh." She smiles again and opened the door. It revealed a big living room. There was a huge green fluffy fabric laid on the floor. The walls were lavender purple and the floor was entirely wooden. There were some modern furnitures, too. In the middle of the room was a table with four ean bags surrounding it. On one of the corner is a shelf with book and at the other side was toys and puzzles. The room was lit up by the plain paper lamp and the air condition was just right.

The team could not remember a time they have met such homey and rich enviornment. In the middle of it all, John was sitting on the bean ag with a child in his arms.

"Who's child is that?" Erza asked. Lucy smiled. "There are many children who just recently came in. Most were teenagers and were about to commit suicide, while he take care of the other children who felt like nothing is right." Lucy genty placed her head on the wall. "Such a young boy with so much potential. He never deserved the fate that is displayed on him."

"What do you mean?" Natsu asks while he stared at the boy. John smiles and pats the kid's head causing him to laugh. Lucy's smile turned into a deep sad one. "It is not my place to tell."

f o u r t e e n
Omg! 6 days?!
Sorry guys! It might be a little off the topic but live with it.
K guys, thanks!

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Idk about sharing but get on with it :P

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