t e n|| encounter

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N a t s u
gulp gulp gulp "Ah."

Thunk! "Phew! Nothing like a full glass of water to freshen you up in the morning!"

"Oi Baka! Don't slam the cup on the counter before you break it!" Wham!
"Ow! Liss-chan!" I whined at the white beauty in front of me.
"Don't Liss-chan me, Natsu! You'll break the glass." She sighs.
"Besides, you'll wake the others!" She pouts. The others?
"What are the others doing here in the morning!?" I asked surprised.
"Huh? Baka! We are visiting crocus to see the kids remember? And Carla went ahead of us because of some training she mentioned."

Eh? Is that so? "So... when are we leaving?" She whacked me again.
"Ow! Jeez woman!" I yelled.
"We're already in Crocus idiot. We're in a inn." I anime cried. When did Lissana became so cranky?

Oh yeah she's pregnant!
"Oh yeah! Liss-chan how is Natsu doing?" I asked while rubbing her tummy. A long time ago, Lissana and Bixlow got married, followed by a year, she got pregnant. After a few weeks they found out the baby is a boy, so Lissana decided to name it Natsu after me! Isn't that awesome?!
"Healthy so far. Just one more month." She smiled and rubbed her tummy.
"I can't wait." She smiled. Every moment of her being pregnant is like a blissful minute. She coud never stop caressing and whispering words to her baby.

WhAm! Ow! "Don't think I'm forgetting our little talk!"

Well. T~T It was worth a shot.

"Natsu!" A 15 year old girl skipped over smiling brightly as usual. "Good morning!"
I smiled and hugged the little girl. "Asuka! Morning little girl!" She pouts. "I am not little." I chuckled and nodded.
"How are Kagami and Tetsuya?" Kagami and Tetsuya are two high school boys who became Asuka's best friends. Asuka always loved playing basketball, because in a way it relates to shooting, so the boys invited her over! And being the good brother I am, I threatened them!

"They're awesome! Kuroko's passing is awesome as always and Kagami's jumping is really impressive." She smiles. "I see!" I grinned.
"Bye! I gotta go meet them!" She cheered and left. I blinked as she goes out the door.
"What? What are they doing her in Crocus?" I asked.


"Ouch!" I looked over to see Liss-chan's hand going up. She smacked me! ;-;
"Baka! She has a game in crocus!" Liss sighed.

"Oh!" Wham!
At least I know what she's like when she's drunk!

"Huh?" A dark aura came from her. Oh shoot! I said it out loud.

"I just remembered! I have to see an old friend of mine.. Bye!"



I huffed and rest my head on the resturant's counter. "That was close." I sighed in relief. I turned my head over and viewed my surroundings.

I saw couples sharing tables and kids running around in their swim suit. Wait. Speaking resturant... "Where the heck am I?" I thought out loud.
"You're at Manta ray sir. you're on a boat." A waiter explained. I smiled. "I see."

A boat resturant, huh? So nice.

Wait BOAT?!

"Blergh I'm gonna be sick!"


"Are you okay now?" The waitress asks as she drags me onto solid ground. "H-hai! Just give me a moment." My vision became clear to reveal a blond goddess. Her big brown orbs shown under the moonlight and her pale face was sculptured by a God!

Than it struck me. "L-Lucy?" She looked at me with shock and confusion.
"How do you know my name?" She asked. I immedietly sit up. Oh smecks! We were not suppose to let her know that we... know her!

I looked around on her body. Let's see striped shirt, curves, short skirt, curves, boots, mmmm mmm! Those delicious curves! Oh my god, ShUt Up!

"O-oh! I read it on your name tag!" I said while chuckling nervously. She gave me a big grin. "Oh! How silly of me!" She chuckled and stood up.
"Come on now! Let's take you some place to eat. On solid ground." She laughed. I pout. Does she really have to emphasize that word?

When we reached the resturant, Lucy and I took a seat. "You never tell me your name ya know? You know my name. But I don't know yours." She smiled
"Natsu Dragneel!" I said while stuffing my face. She huckled as she watched me eating.

It was like the day we first met. The day I knew I found someone worth my future. Though was too dense to see it. Aish.
"You know. Have you ever thought that there might be a world different from ours?" She asked. I looked at her with confusion.
"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Another world. No magic, no dragons, and no other worlds!"
What? No magic?! Then how can we live?! We can't ride cars and communicate each other from far away?!

"THAT SOUNDS LIKE A NIGHTMARE!" I yelled. People with no magic might go insane!

Lucy laughed while holding her stomach. "Hey! It's the truth!" I pouted.

"Yea, but. You know Mr. Dragneel, Worlds manage things in their own ways." She smiled softly. My eyess softened. "You're right."

I closed my eyes and my smile was still plastered on my face. "Worlds manage things in their own ways." Her voice still lingered in my head. Yeah... she's right.

I look at her and my face instantly turned red. Her face was so close to mine.

"You are such a mystery." She whispered. I felt myself melt. Why can't I say I love you?

She stood up and smiled. "Well! Good night! It's late so I gotta go." She said. I checked outside to see that it was dark.

She's right. "Hey!" I managed to call before she was about to go out. "C-can we go out sometime?" I asked shyly. Lucy smiled. "Sure!" And with that, we bid farewell.


t e n
Welp! This chapter since a little better!
And O My. Lissana is a cranky pregnant woman!
Bixlow you sly husband :P
Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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