t w o|| twelve whole years

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Third person point of view
"Twelve whole years." A now 24 year old Wendy gasped. Her long blue hair swayed with the wind as she stares out in the open.
"We can finally go home." A 30 year old Erza states, as she smiles at the thought of the guild.
"Has it really been that long?" 28 year old Gray sighed, "I wonder how's Lucy and Happy." He continued.

Erza gave a sad smile as she lifted a photo of her and Happy.

"This is a photo of me and Happy." Lucy said as she looked at them.
"Remember us and we'll be there." She giggle with a hearty smile.

"Fairy Tail for the win!"

"They have waited long enough! Let's go." Said a mature Natsu.... All these years, Natsu have grown patient and strong. It's as if he-

"Aaaaand there goes the maturity level." Gray said as he sweatdropped.
"Oh Natsu-san." The whole guild laughed as they travel to Magnolia, where their stellar mage and blue exceed have been waiting all these years.


"And that is why, 20×3, is equal to 60. And that 3 ≥ x is an algebraic inequality!" A feminine voice said as she wrote the examples on the board. Her long blond hair was tied in a loose strand to the side, and the brown eyes that once held a childish expression is replaced by beauty and maturity.

The magnolia bells rang and the children stood up and packed their bags.
"Do not forget class, do page 38! Practice makes perfect!" She called out as the students gave a cheerful response .

"Yes miss Lucy!" Lucy smiled at the kids before packing her stuff and headed home for a day's rest.

"Attention Magnolia!" A voice of royalty echoed across magnolia, as Lucy turned around. She found herself staring at a feminine beauty. Her green hair was let down and a crown laid on her head.

"We have great news! The fairy tail guild has sent a note, letting us know the return if twelve. whole. years!" The sounds of cheers and laughter went wild as Lucy stood confused.
"Fairy Tail? That's a very familiar name." She thought.
"For twelve whole years, fairy tail has protected us from great evil! And have succeeded! We will throw a party to welcome them! And everyone is invited!" Everyone, once again, cheered at the news, the queen has bestowed.

Though Lucy was confused. She was quite fund of royal parties.
Lucy shrugged the familiarities off as she walked to her house. The house was quite small but it was enough to hold a family of four. Lucy opened a door and was welcomed by a little teenage boy of blue hair, blue cat ears, and blue tail, who was grinning at her.

"Happy!" She cheered as she hugged her dear neko.
"Lushy!" He greeted back with a hug and a huge grin.
"Welcome home!" Said the 20 year old boy.
"Thank you." Chuckled Lucy, as they let go.

"How was your day?" Lucy asked as she made dinner. Happy was back in his cat form eating raw fish.
"Mr. Macarov is stabilized. So sad he has no family." Happy said weakly. (Yup. You guessed it. Our neko is a doctor!) Lucy frowned as she thought of the old man who practically raised her.

"I hope he's going to be OK." Lucy whispered sadly. Happy nodded, sadly as he stared down at his fish.
"Lushy. I heard there's going to be a party soon. Can we attend?" Happy asked excitedly , changing the subject. Lucy gave a big grin and nodded.
"Of course! Why not?"

"This is very charming, princess- uhh. I mean queen." Wendy said marveling at the decorations for the party. Queen Hisui smiled at the grown woman in front of her.
"Thank you, Wendy. And my, how tall you've grown!" Hisui said, amused as Wendy giggled.

"Thank you, your Highness, for this event." Erza bowed. Hisui sighed as she waved a hand.
"Erza. I told you not to be so formal!" Hisui scolded.

Erza blushed in embarrassment as the other guild members smiled.
"Is there gonna be beer?!" Cana cheered.
"And food?!" Natsu yelled happily.
"Baka! Of course there's gonna be food, it's a pa-rt-ty!" Gray emphasized.
"Shut up, Gay!"
"What did ya call me, squinted eyes?!"
"You heard me, DROOPY EYES!"
"You two be QUIET!" Erza yelled and knocked the both of them out.

"Gay? Squinted eyes? Droopy eyes? Have they ever changed?" Hisui asked.
"Afraid not. Even Gajeel." Levy shrugged. Hisui sighed.

"Why does that sound amusing?"
Lucy tried to pick out a dress for herself and occasionally checked herself in the mirror.
"Hmm. Nope." She sighed as she ruffled her hair.
"Nothing looks good!" She never felt this frustrated ever since her teenage years.

Wait... Teenage years. She smiled and went to her closet. She pulled out a luggage and opened it. She took out a pink dress. It has wool on the end and it reveals your back. It was hot oink and the fabric was really soft. The heart shaped eating that goes with it dangled in her hands and a gold hair tie revealed its glow.

"Perfect! Hope it still fits!" Lucy put on the dress and it surprisingly fits. She smiled to herself.
"It fits!" She grabbed a tux with a blue tie and folded it, leaving it on Happy's bed.

"Mom!" She turned to see a 10 year old girl with a pink dress. Her blond hair is braided and her eyes were brown like her mother's. Two gold bracelets shimmered in the light and dangled on her wrists.
"You look wonderful!" Lucy smiled as she hug her little angel.

"OK! I'm going to go weary tux!" Happy called out as he went in his bathroom in his human form.
"Excited, sweetie?" Lucy asked her daughter. The daughter nodded happily as she grinned.
"I can't wait to meet the famous fairy tail!" Lucy chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"Hey mom?" Lucy hummed in response.
"I never asked but what's that pink mark on your hand?" Lucy looked at her hand where a pink unique mark was. Lucy smiled sadly.
"Believe me, Melody. I wish I knew."

Another chapter, lovelies!
I'm feeling motivated!

"What episode was it when Lucy wore the pink dress?"

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