Sneak A Peek!

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Hey guys! this is a Sneak A Peek of a chapter I am working on, on 12 years Book 2! I hope this will leave you on a suspense Lmao. read it and comment your thoughts~! Bye!
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Waking up in pain, Happy lets out a small groan. His skin had multiple cuts on them and his clothes were all tattered and dirty. He was too weak, therefore he was in his exceed form. Some parts of his fur were covered in dry blood that came from his wounds. It did not look pretty. "Damn. This is gonna be hard to wash off." He groans.

Happy lifts his big little head and scans the area, looking for help. He found himself in a closed in tunnel. All around was just rocks and dirt. "Where am I?" He asks himself. He suddenly felt a pain in his stomach. "Maybe i'm just hungry." He said breathlessly. "Lu-Lucy." He whispered. "Lucy." He calls again, a little louder.

"Melody-" He coughs. Happy's energy was draining out of him completely. "Ugh! Ngh!" He groans out loud. The pain in his stomach came back and this time, it seemed to have pierced him. Happy finally looked down. And what he saw was good. it seemed that a Stalactite have broken from the ceiling and pierced his stomach when he fall. Thankfully it was small. But it can be life threatning eventually.

"No.." He places his tiny paws on his wound to try and top the bleeding. But his paws were to small. Happy carefully and painfully take his green bag that lied next to him and opens it. He found a small towel, drenched from an unknown water source.

Happy didn't want to take the chances. But he knew that if he didn't take it, something bad will happen to his family. Happy extracts the amount of water that he could, and places the towel on the wound. He quickly presses it against the wound, in hopes it would stop the bleeding. 'Lucy. Melody.' he calls out in his mind. Hoping that the two blonde females would be safe somewhere and not in his state as well.

His vision starts to blur. "Kuso.. ̄" He cursed. "I'm about to black out..." Suddenly feeling the air leave out, his eyes closed and very weakly, his body lays very still.

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