n i n e|| Jealousy

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I have yet to learn the transformation. But today was the day that Happy will teach me.

We settled to meet at the beach at 5:00. And if I want to, I can bring Lily. Which reminds me I haven't ask Lily. I was now helping Wendy giving her a manicure.

I was being careful on filing her toe nails because I'm in a rush. It was only 3:00 but I couldn't wait to meet Happy. Wendy smiled as she looked at the two nail polishes in her hands.

"I can't decide. Pink or blue?" She asked. I looked at them before looking at her skin tone. My eyebrows furrowed, "Child. None of those colors match you."

Wendy pouted. "Can you stop calling me child now? I'm an adult now." She sad. I scoffed.

"An adult who pouts? Unheard off."

"Mooh! Carla you're so mean!"

Ding dong!

Wendy and I looked at the door, wondering who came. Wendy stood up and opened the door to reveal three girls.

"U-Umm he-hello?" Wendy greeted.

"Are you with Romeo-kun?!" The brown haired girl blurted. Goodness what a straightforward child.

Wendy turned into many shades of red, obviously flustered. Well this is amusing.

"O-o-o-o-o-of course not! W-w-w-w-what m-makes you say that?!" She yelped.

The three girls blinked. "Well, since you're always together we assumed you guys are going out." The bruenette explained.

"Yeah! Do you like him?" The blondie interrigated.

Wendy flushed red. "Of c-c-c-c-course not!" She yelped.

Tch. Lies.

"Yes! Girls we can get Romeo."

Wendy and I nearly turned white.

. . . . "Eh?"

"Hey! Romeo can only belong to one girl!" The blone declared.

Are you kidding me, these girls look like 12 year olds! That's almost half his age!

"Yeah! And I will obviously win!" The red fiery haired girl yelped.

"No I will!" The bruenette joined.

"I willl!" The fiery hothead retorted.

"Wendy-sama! Please give me your blessing!" The blond pleaded. What is up with youngsters today?

"No me! I will take care of Romeo darling." Darling?

"No, I will! I can obviously please him with my wife material skills!" The bruenette smirked.

"You wish!" The fiery yelled.

"Wendy-sama!" SLAM!!!

I calmly looked over to see the door closed. Wendy was panting, and her arms were outstretched towards the door. Guess she slammed the door in their faces.

Thank god, they were really annoying. She was huffing and her face is flushed red. "Someone is jelly." I snickered.


"What?" I asked innocently. She pouted. "I am not jealous." She noted.

Girl why you lie?

I mentally faced palm at tha thought of mine. I read too much wattpad stories.

"Come on Child. You are clearly jealous."

"Stop with the child! Last time I checked I'm older than you!" Wendy whined.

"Actually, I'm the older one." I smirked. "Ehh? How!? I watched you hatched from that egg."

"An exceed starts aging once they are laid. And it took me five years to hatch!"

"FIVE!" I nodded. Lies.


Wendy and I walked down the street. It was only 4:00 so I got time to spare.

"Wendy!" A male voice interrupted our peaceful moment. I landed in Wendy's arms and sighed.

My feet are killing me. I knew I should've used my wings.

"Romeo-kun!" I lazily turn to face him. He was taller and tanner than 12 years ago.

His hair was now trimmed and clearly purple. His once wonderous eyes are now replaced with goofiness.

I internally scoffed. Another Natsu.

He bent down and huffed, clearly breathless.

"Are you Okay?" Wendy asked. "You look like you ran a marathon." Romeo chuckled.

"Well actually-"

"Romeo-sama!" We heard a chorus of voices.

What in the-

A huge crowd of girls was running toward us. Hearing 'Romeo-sama' I suppose they're fan girls.

"Huge." Wendy simply said.

Is that your only problem now?

"Let's gi!" He panicked and we ran. Well Romeo and Wendy ran, I'm just sitting in Wendy's arms.

Once we lost sight of them, Wendy was red.
"Romeo-san... are you- are you- Are YOU DATING THEM?!" She yelled.

cricket... cricket... cricket...

yup, jealous. "What?! NO! I woud never!" He replied.

I sighed and checked a watch on Wendy's wrist. 4:30.

"I'm late!" I screamed and immedietly flew away.

".... Eh?" Oops. I forgot to tell Romeo nd Wendy.

n i n e
Hi guys! Sorry that I posted late.
I just came from my graduation as an 8th grader and
I was in a hurry. '3' Next chapter would be better than this,

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