f i f t e e n||Fairy Tail Insignia

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Lucy shifted in her bed and closed her eyes. The silence of the room fills her ears  and the darkness covers her eyes. She sighs for what seems like the fourth time that evening, trying to get the trouble some feeling in her heart. "Mama? Why are you sighing?" Her angel's voice breaks through the dark.

"Nothing sweetheart. Mama's having it again." She said quietly. Melody looks sideways without turning her head and sees her mother's arm around her. 'Her arm is cold..' "Are those memories back?" She asks. She felt her mother shift. But heard no answer. "Mommy?" Melody turns and sees her mother sleeping. Her face was not relaxed, had a look of fear. Melody gently puts her hand on her mother's cold face.

"Mommy.." Closing her eyes, Melody focuses her magic in her mother's brain. Her hand gave off a faint silver glow like the moon's. It was soft and weightless. This was Melody's magic. But the spell was one of many. For she has Space and Time Magic. Just like her father.

Melody looks around her on an unfamiliar valley. It vast and green.  Little heels decorated the beautiful land and the cool breeze calmed us.
Melody suddenly felt a presence behind her and she turns to see her mother in her young years.

Melody understands now why people think they look a lot a like. Cause they very much do so.
Same blond hair, childish brown eyes, same lively skin. "Mom-"

"Luce!!" A strong voice called out across the field. Looking back a shadowd person ran towards her. She could not see his face nor his body. He only sees a Scarf. A long white scarf that reminds her of

"Natsu." Melody's and Lucy's voice mimiced.She immidiately turns to her mom and looks back to Natsu.
He reaches out his palm wide open. Her mother smiles with tears in her eyes.

"Her tears, it's been a long time since i saw her tears glisten."

She looks at her mother's hand as Lucy place her hand in Natsu's big and comforting hand.

"Her mark."

"You're Lucy of Fairy Tail!"

"Lucy.." Melody woke up from the memory. "Fairy Tail." She heard her mothe mumble. Melody could only smile. Happy walks in and sees Melody smiling while looking at the ceiling.  "Skipper. What are you doing awake?" He asks in his human form. "Nothing uncle."

"Well you should get some sleep." He takes of his shirt and puts it on the hook. Melody snuggled into bed as she saw her uncle walking into her room. But not before she saw the same sign her mother has. It suddely appeared on the supposed scar on his body, just like his mom.



Happy immediately got surprised from Melody's sudden out burst and turns to face her in a fighting stance. "Wha-what?!"
"What's wrong, Sweetie?" Lucy woke up fro her slumber and looks at her daughter while rubbing her eye.
"Did someone break in?!" Melody froze and awkwardly smile. "O-Oh! I just found out we had a- test- test! We have a test tomorrow!!" She snaps her fingers with a forced smile.

Luckily it was dark so Happy wouldn't be able to see it. "Oh?"

"Sweetie- you don't go to school, you skip. And you shouldn't have trouble with the test at all." Lucy points out. Melody suddenly realizes that and sheepishly grin. 'Curses..'

"Well whatever." Happy yawned and turn into his cat form. He sprout his wings and floats toward Melody, who hugs Happy. Lucy smiles lays back down with a quiet 'good night'. Happy did the same as Melody laid and set Happy abover her head.

She looks at his back and reaches over to the insignia that suddenly appeared a while ago. "Fairy Tail, Insignia."

The same light floats out of her hand as she enter Happy's hidden magic.


"I know Happy."


"Mhm... I know."

"Lucy.. What- what happened?"

"I-I.. I don't know."

The room disappeared as a new scenery settled in. Melody looks down and sees the failiar purple grass. She lifts her and looks around her surroundings, comparing it with a certain place she had in mind. "Crocus Campus?" She walks down the hill she was on and was met by a beautiful lake. It glistened and reflects the sunlight onto the plants- giving them a lively look.

She walks forward as she looks at the beautiful place. Withou warning, the soles of her feet felt the cool water.

she jumped a bit and looks down. She realized right after, that she was walking on water. She carefully took a step, creatiing little rippes and chasing the fish underneath away.

She continues to walk before she realizes  a rock skidded wight under on. "Eep!" She jumed over the multiple flying rocks dodging them hurringly. When it finally stopped she looks up to glare at the person only to be surprised to see a young Natsu and Happy.

"I won!" Happy yelled in victory. "You get me fish!"
"Oh whatever!" Natsu yelled. Melody heard a soft laugh as Lucy emerged from the bushes. "Oh Natsu. You lost to a cat!"
"I knew I'd find you here." A girl with long white hair appeared behing Lucy. Melody stared at the white beauty and immediately recognized her as Mirajane Strauss from the beach party.

"Hurry up and get the fishes. We need them for the Sakura festival." She smiles kindly with her eyes close.
"She's right. Happy, Natsu, I bought extra fish for you both."
"Yeah!" They cheered with glee and hug the blond stellar mage."

Melody reaches out, wanting to touch the memory. "Mama.."

'Mamma is always worried about what she has forgotten. At nights she just sleep hoping to remember the next day.
Mamma, you're always trying your best..'

Time froze around Melody in the memory. Melody finally step foot and began walking to her young mother. She reached out and hug her  Lucy's waist. She could feel the happiness that was brilliant.

It reminded her about the time her mom and dad wee together, it was pure bliss. That's the feeling her mother had, that's the feeling she had before nd forgotten, that's the feeling she had with her father.

and that's the feeling she had lost.

Hi guys!!!!
How are ya'll?
Im doing mighty fine thank you.
recently i watch this cool anime called

"Aikatsu Stars!"

I totally recommand it!
See ya!!

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