t w e l v e|| A New Promise

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third p.o.v.
The white hair she-devil traced her fingers on the polished wood, replaying the scene of the conversation at the beach. If I ever meet the people from my past, I will remember as much as I can! Mirajane smiled before giggling. Even if I have to fry my own brain! Lucy's voice rung through her head. All Mira did was laughing at that last part.

"So-so stupid." She covered her mouth containing her laughter. Finally, she took in a deep breath and calmed her smile. Her lips curve up as an image of Lucy popped in her head. "But- that's what I admire about her. Smart yet naive." Mira's eyes glisten and she looked at the ceiling with her hands folded and resting against her chin.

She tilted her head upwards as if she was praying to God. "I'm glad you haven't change Lucy." She said quietly. "Mira-san?" A voice interrupted Mira's thoughts causing her to face a small petite blue haired girl. Her choppy long hair flowed whenever the wind came through the window, and her shoulders were left exposed.

Her tender light peach skin complimented her navy blue outfit. She wore a white blouse that's printed with flowers covered with a long sleeve cardigan. Her mini skirt was like those royal ones, there was many layers beneath, but it only compll her beauty. She wore her leather brown boots to to finish her look. And because of a hobby, she wore her navy blue bandana and for a decoration, a forget-me-not lay at the side of her head.

"Levy." Mira greeted back to the girl. Levy smiled sadly and Mira could see that there was no twinkle in her hazel eyes like before. Mira frowned and bend to Levy's level. "What is it?" She asked. Levy smiled sadly. "It's the day.. Lucy and I made the promise thirteen years ago." Levy looks up and sighs. Mira smiles back, realizing that she's right.

"Hey! You're Lucy right? New to the guild?" A much younger Levy smiled while looking at the blond girl in front of her. Lucy lookedat her with her lips in a small 'O' shape. "I heard you're interestd in books! I am too! Actually I'm starting to write a book of my own!" As Levy went on and on about books, Lucy couldn't help but think: What a weird girl.

"Actually," Lucy smiled a little with her cheeks showing of a pink color. "I'm already writing a book f my own." In an instant, Levy slammed her hand on the table. "Hontoni?!" She exclaimed with her eyes sparkling. Lucy nodded, confused.

"Say! When you finish writing that book, I will be the first one to read it, kay?" Lucy smiled at Levy then nodded. Levy grinned, and pulled out her pinky finger.

"It's a promise!"

"It was a good time back then." A new voice said. We look to see Erza smiling at them. Her simple purple sweater and green cargo shorts already gave her the look of a model. "Yea," Levy smiled. "It was."

"Why don't you go visit her, Levy?" Mira asked. Erza nodded. "Yes. That is a good idea." Levy just frowned. "But team Natsu didn't even get a chance to talk to her."

Erza smiles and wave off the statement. "Don't worry about it. Me and the gang decided to greet her when she joins the guild." Erza said. Mira gave a confused look. "You mean if she joins the guild. Cause you know she lives here." Mira said. Erza just smiles.

"She will. And there is another plan I have in mind for that."

"Okay! I will take Ethan, too. I'm planning on putting him in sixth grade anyways." Levy cheerfully smiled.

Ethan inheited Levy's brown eyes, while he got his hair, magic, and skin tone from his father, Gajeel Redfox. Although he has his likes for books and other stories.

Levy's eyes widened as she looked at a tall cottage-like desighned building. The lake beside it shimered in the sun, reflecting the light on the building to make it look expertly polished. The play-ground in the open space was simply built with strong wood.

The cottage itself was the most breathtaking of all. The polished wood lined up perfectly, the balcony on almost every window-doors were covered with flowers. And in the center of the big building, a red flag was hung down. It read 'Crocus Elementry' in golden cursive letters.

Levy could not believe that she found such a building on the mountain. And to think that Lucy owns this place was amazing. "Um. Excuse me?" Levy heard an angelic voice and quickly turned. Her eyes widened as she maveled at a grown woman. About 5'6, proximately 110 ponds. Her pink floral skirt flowed with the wind and her bracelet jingled.

Her hair was longer than Levy remembered. It used to be at her shoulder but now it reached all the way to her ankles. Though it was tied up in a high ponytail Levy could tell. "Are you here to register your son to Crocus Elementry?" Lucy asked.

Levy smiles as the boy shyly take a step closer to his 5'4 mother. "Yes. His name is Ethan refox." Ethan smiled and wave shyly. How cute! Lucy thought. "Hello little guy."

Levy smiles hopefully. She was glad Lucy still has her likes for kids. "My name is Lucy Heartfillia Tsubaki. I am actually the sixth graders homeroom teacher!" Lucy says excitedly. "My name's Levy Redfox."

Lucy immediately shuts up and just stare at Levy. Oh no! What did I say!

"Levy as in.. the author for Starry Night?" Levy sighed in relief and just smile. "Y-yeah."

"I love your book!" Lucy grinned. Levy looked shock. "E-ehh? But it was just released yesterday!" She protested. Lucy smiles and wink. "I always read new books! And yours is a big hit!" Lucy smiles. Levy smiled nervously as she saw Ethan off playing with others. Lucy smiles sympathically. "I'm sorry. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable. How about this- Let's spend some time tomorrow at Cresent Cafe? Sounds good? I actually have something to show ya."

Levy siled brightly. "Sounds awesome!"


The next day...

Levy ran into the cresent cafe, panting and her face flustered. She jog over to Lucy and clapped her hands together then bow. "I'm sorry!" She yelped. Lucy smiled and gave Levy a hug shocking her. "It's okay! It's my fault for giving the time on the last minute." Levy smiled at her supposed best friend, then they proceeded talking about books.

"Ne Lucy?" Levy asked. Lucy hummed in response while taking a dip of her strawberry milkshake. "Why are you a homeroom teacher if you pratically own the school." She asked. Lucy smiled showing how pleased she is with the question. "Very good question Levy Redfox!" Lucy smiled excitedly.

"I became a teacher because I enjoy it! Actually, I also want to become an author." Levy's eyes twinkled but Lucy did not noticed. "I finished the book."

That simple statement broke Levy's heart. So she already published it. Levy didn't get the chance to be the first to read it. "But..." Levy's eyes twinkled with sudden as she looked at Lucy. "I finished it but I have yet to publish it." Lucy took out a stack of papers from her bag and put it in front of Levy. "I never got it to be published because something was holding me back. But when I saw you, I felt the sudden earge to show you." Lucy smiled as she pushed it to Levy.

Levy looked up at Lucy, her eyes were breamed with tears. "A-am I the first to..read it?" Lucy smiled and tilted her head cutely. "Mhm! And promise me this! You will read it and give me a feedback by any means necessary!" Levy giggles at Lucy's childishness.

Lucy blushed as she returned to her mature self. There it is again. Why do I reveal my childishness to these new people?

Lucy didn't notice Levy looking at her. Her eyes were filled with admiration and relief. "Promise."

Lucy grinned as Levy closed her eyes and hugged the book. Now it waas her turn to think: What a Weird Girl.


"My Lord. It is almost time." Two girls wearing a cloke kneeled before a shadowed man sitting on the throne. He gave a maniac grin and revealed his bloodshot eyes.

"Are you ready- Athena and Gaia?" The two dragon slayers smirked. "Yes My Lord." They both said.

"In a month's time. Fiore will be destroyed."

t w e l v e
Hi guys! Miss me?!
I know I haven't been showing up lately, and I'm sorry.
So i made sure to make a long chapter then I usually do.
Love you. :3
Oh and uhh. How do you like the new cover?

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