f o u r||The Ball Of The Night

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Third person POV
A certain Heartfillia and her daughter were at a dance that lasts a night. Almost all of Fiore was here and it amazes them that they were able to fit in that little space.
"People of Fiore! As queen of Fiore, I welcome you all!" The people of Fiore raised their glasses and cheered loudly.
"For 12 years, Fairy Tail have been gone! They were fighting evil for our greater good! And I am more than happy to welcome our heroes home!"

A vision erupted in Lucy's as she catch glimpse of an unknown dream.

"He's an idiot."

"Yea. But he's my idiot." Happy said wildly in his cat form. Lucy put on a warm smile and looked at a blurry person.
"Well he's My Hero."

"Mama you ok?" Asked Melody. Lucy smiles her biggest as she looks down at her lovely daughter.
"Of course my little butterfly." Lucy chuckled. Melody smiled the same way as she walks to meet her best friend, Sasuke. Lucy brought her hand to her keys as she shyly rub her thumb against Aquarius's broken key.
Who was she?, she thought. But never knew. All she understands is that she's a great friend to Lucy. And that she misses her as much. She could not remember Aquarius. But whenever she touch her key. It soothes her panic.

"Luuuucyyyy!" Happy's voice erupted from the crowd as he ran to Lucy in max speed.
"Happy!" She exclaimed as the boy ran into her.
"There you are. I was getting worried."
"Sorry. I was attending gramps till a bunch of weirdos came running in."
"Oh really? Who?"
"Fairy Tail wizards." Lucy's eyes widened as she heard the blue neko.

"Attention, subjects! Introducing, Fairy Tail!"

Oh my God I missed the speech?! I would never miss a damn speech!!, Lucy thought as she panicked. I know. Goodie tushies right? Everyone cheered as Lucy sighed. Well. Its too late now, she thought.

People. That's what he sees. People. Happy looked around in the crowd, his hand still intact with Lucy's in defense. No danger here, he thought.
"Uncle Happy. Look! Their here!" Melody squealed. Happy chuckled and Lucy smiled. A group of people stepped onto the stage, they stood still and tall. They had goofy faces tugged on their lips, as they watch the crowd, cheer and hail.

Only one thought stuck both to Lucy and Happy.

"I wish I was with them."

And the sad thing is. They don't know why.


Fairy tail. Friends. Brothers. Sisters. Family. That was fairy tail. The meaning. They stood tall, with grins across their faces and eyes hinted with happiness. Together they fight. And divided they fall. That was their hardcore motto.
"People of Fiore! Fairy Tail!" Cheered the queen as the crowd went into a uproar. Amazing, thought Happy.

A certain pink head scanned his eyes scanned the crowd, stopping whenever he sees a blond head. Minutes later, fairy tail was at the dance floor, couples sway to the music and single pairs talked to each other. Natsu laughed with his ideal team as Wendy, now age 24, drank champaign.
"Uncle, come on!" The fairy tail members turn to see the blue head boy that Gramps was with.

"Sorry, Gramps. Melody wants to see you." The boy said. Macarov smiled.
"It's fine, boy. Come. Introduce yourself." The boy walked over carrying Melody as she smiled.
"Melody Tsubaki! Nice to meet you!" The fairy tail members -mostly girls- squealed silently at the girl. Her round face gave a cheeky smile, her brown orbs glistened with excitement, and her hair looked so silky, that they wanted to touch it.

Natsu starred at the blue haired boy. His voice sounds so familiar, but could. not. remember. Typical Natsu. Macarov nodded at the boy as the boy grinned.

"My name is Happy.. Happy Tsunami." He said. The guild members looked astonished. Happy? The blue idiotic fish loving cat? The one who stood by their side no matter what the cost? All these questions were baffled in their heads. In front if them was not a cat, but a young boy.

His once goofy grin was replaced by a charming smile, eyes that were filled with happiness, replaced with a levelness of maturity. Just what have Happy have become? He stood there, watching the members with confusion. As if looking for a piece of a puzzle.

"You guys take a picture. It lasts longer." Happy chuckled as he watched them staring at him with gawking mouth. Carla stated with sadness in her eyes. Where did my He cat go? She thought sadly. Natsu stared at his exceed. The one he raised. The one that never leaves his side. What happened that got Happy to be this manly?!

"Lucy will be here in a while. I'm sorry. She loves to be fashionably late!" At least his Lushy sound hung around.
"Anyways-" suddenly the alarms system sounded through the ball room alerting everyone of near danger.
"Backs against the wall!" A voice boomed and fire went up in the air. Everyone followed out of fear, everyone except princess Hisui, fairy tail, Happy, Melody, and Lucy. Natsu right then and there saw the beauty he once know. The girl or rather, woman of his dreams, and the one he loves. She stood there, eyes fierce and fists clenched.

"We'll fight them!" Erza announced.
"No! We must remember the rules!" Hisui exclaimed.
"What rules?" Lissana asked.
"Rule number 36. The guests of honor aren't allowed to fight." Mira recited with concern. Natsu's eyebrows furrowed.
"That's not manly!" Yelled the 26 year old Elfman.
"Manly or not! We must follow. We are still citizens." Macarov whispered quietly. Fairy Tail began to panic as Hisui stared at them wide eyed. What happened to fairy tail who always break the rules?, she thought as she stared at the stone still fairy tail.

Hisui shook her head. Focus, she thought. The burglar started to heat his body with fire.
"You're just gonna sit there?! Very well. I'll attack!" The man laughed and ran towards them, making fairy tail take their stand. Perhaps they're still there.
"Celestial Knight!"

Clash! Was the sound Fairy Tail heard. Natsu opened his eyes and stared at a blond woman.

Lucy has blocked the attack with her sword. She was in her star dress once again as she glared daggers into the person in front of her.
"Star dress. Cancer." She whispered.
"Cancer star. CRAB!" Suddenly the man screamed as he felt sword slashes against him.
"Cancer the brave crab. Believed to be the most sweetest and dangerous sign. That is believed that anyone who bore this sign are chosen to be dangerous and ruthless if needed. The lashes that you felt are to be Cancer's strongest emotion. Anger. The crab's hands have joined and formed a sword." She recited.

"Star dress. Aries!" She said and changed into an outfit similar to her friend Aries. And horns were her accessories done on her pigtail hair.

"Aries. The most ruthless. People born under them have unimaginable anger issues. Sweet, kind, is what they show, but once you anger them. They'll tear you up." She smirked as she stared at the fearful man. "I never really used this form.." Lucy said as she looked at the man once again.

"Let's test it, shall we?"

Haha! Finished!
And its like one of my
fastest update!
Pathetic, I know.
Hope you enjoy! DONT U DARE FORGET TO VOTE! ^-^

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