e i g h t|| aye sir!

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I was sitting on the bench eating my usual food: strawberry cake. Joke.

I was eating Fish. Who likes strawberry cake? I can't remember.. Weird. Tomorrow was the day I'm going to meet that Carla cat. And here I am, nothing to do.

Lucy teaching at school, Melody learning at school. And here I am, finished with house duties and sitting in my cat form, on this bench, in the town square with utterly nothing to do.

Except rattling.

I sighed. "Happy-san?" I turn to see another cat being of mine.

She has green fur and a full on pink frog suit? I don't know. But it does have black polk-a-dots!

"Frosch! What are you doing here?" I asked. We both turned into our human forms, and I stood up from my seat. Frosch has short green glossy hair and big brown baby eyes.

Her skin was kind of pale from all the shade she got from that pink suit of hers. Although now its a over sized pink long sleeve shirt and dark blue pants that Lector offered.

I snickered once Lector came to mind. That idiot can never admit his feelings for Frosch.

"Frosch is lost!" She said casually. I chuckled. Of course.

"Rouge must be worried." I said.

"I know. But Frosch wants to find herself the right way without having a guide." She said.

"More specifically, Lector." I asked and she nodded.

"More specifically Lector." She repeated.

Frosch was someone who is very fragile. But she always put up a tough front. That was some of the many things Lector loves about her.

We walked and stop in front of a board, where daily news and reminders were poasted on. On the side, there was a map of the whole magnolia town.

Speaking of magnolia, isn't Frosch suppose to be in crocus?

"Aren't you suppose to be in Crocus?" I asked.


"And you're still here."


"With only two hours to spare before the train to crocus leave?"


"You're unbelievable."

"Frosch thinks so too!"

I sighed.


Come to think of it, I bet you're thinking how Frosch turns into a human.

The truth is I taught her.

Everything from square one.

This can take 4-5 days if you can draw really good, which Frosch is talented in.

Lector knows how to do this too. But it took him seven months due to the fact that he can draw only stick mans.

Frosh and I walk in silence, stopping at some shops so I can buy something for the girls, and Frosch for her friends. We continued in silence.

Until Frosch decided to break it.

"You know Happy-san, you don't say 'aye sir' too often like before."

"Like before?" I asked. Frosh did an 'o' shaped on her lips. It looks like she realized I had amnesia.

"Sorry. It's just, eleven years ago you used to say 'aye sir' all the time." She said sadly.

"Oh. Well, I guess I say it in occsions but..." Frosh nodded. "Mhm."

I look sadly at her. I hate to hurt friends who once knew us like this.

Up until now, Lucy and I haven't got any memories. Not one single scratch, noise, picture, or even a word.

"Hey! There's Rouge and the others!" I cheered, trying to change the topic.

Frosh's pout was replaced with a smile and ran into Rouge, Sting, and Lector.

I sighed with relief.


"There she is!" Sting cheered.

"Frosh-chan!" Lector hugged her.

"Goodness gracious you're okay!" Cried a very emotional Rouge.

I smiled at the scene that unfolds in front of me.

"How did you find your way, Frosch?" Lector asked.

"Happy-san helped me."

Lector, now in his uniform, looked at me with appreciation and relief. The two dragon slayers finally noticed me, as I awkwardly stand there.

"Happy!" Rouge tackled me with a hug. A waterfall falls down his cheek.

"Oh thank you, thank you!" He cried.

"U-uhh. Y-You're welcome."

And here I thought I found a tsundere species.

Before they aboard, I stayed a little longer to bid them farewell.

"Seriously Happy.. I can't thank you enough." Lector said gratefully.

In his human form, he had dirty orange hair and purple eyes. He wore a maroon t-shirt and a blue vest over it. With it, he is wearing a green cargo pants.

"I told you Lector, I'm only thankful for helping Frosch."

"Still." I rolled my eyes.

"It's fine L. Just go already."

Lector sighed, "Fine. Keep out of trouble bro!"

He finally said as he stepped into the train.

"Aye sir!" And they looked at me shocked.

It really was my thing.

e i g h t
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