t h i r t e e n||KIDS

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"Once every 400 years, the planets will line up, thus creating powerful energy. It begins pressuring the thin line between non magic and magic. Everytime the planets lines up, it can give the non magic users actual magic. Though they are unable to pass it to their offspring. It's called "Deju Vialos." "

"What do you mean, Ms. Lucy?" A girl asked. Lucy smiled and looked at the projecter.

"The magic the civilans recieved, are only for them. If they had children later on in the future, they will not be able to pass, because they were not born with it." She explained.

"Is that why there are alot of kids joining us than usual?" Lucy nodded at the girl's question. A boy's hand raised up. "Yes John?"

"If that's so, then why are there only half of fiore's civilans. There are only 11 ages and up." He asked. Lucy clasped her hand and gave a big grin, showing how pleased she is with the question.

"Amazing question John! The affect of the Deju Violas only happen to those who went through-"

"Bad past?"



"Whoa whoa whoa!" Lucy interrupted with wide eyes. "What's with the negative thoughts?"

"Well," One of the students began. "You said 'what they went through' so we thought they only get the magic to get revenge." Every student nodded in agreement.

Lucy rolled her eyes.

'Kids these days.'

"No, no. The people who are affected by it are the ones who went through-
pu-ber-ty." The students scrunched up their face in disgust making Lucy laugh.

"But Ms. Lucy, why are you telling us this. This info can make a villian crazy enough to do things." The boy with the rimmed glass asked. The class nodded in apporval. Lucy smiles at the kids with light eyes.

"Because I trust you." She said. "And you guys are like a family. You treat each other the same." The class looks at each other confused. "Isn't that normal?"

Lucy grins. 'I'm so glad to have a class like you guys.'

"You guys are always binded by spirit."

"What do you mean?" John asked.

Lucy smiled and gave one simple answer. "When you're old enough you'll understand."


"My lord, what shall we do to make Lucy bend into our will?" Asked Athena as she rested her head on her master's lap. The man grinned maniacly and ran his hand through the girl's hair and touched her neck, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine.

"Wait my little minion." He grin like a madman as he lift her head up by her chin and he kiss her full on the mouth. Gaia just look them with her green eyes full og jealousy. "Tulip-sama~" Athena purred.

The so called 'Tulpi-sama' smirked.

"It's almost time."


Team Natsu was on a mission to come and visit the crocus elementry as a thank you service for Lucy. But as they walk along the way, the team realized they have no idea where the school was located. Erza sighed as she looks at the map in her arms. "So many things changed in fiore that I can't recognize it anymore." She mumbled.

Wendy nodded her head in agreement. "It's sad that we miss so much." Wendy said sadly. Gray sighed. "That's right. And not just that, but we lost chances, too."

Erza hit Gray's arms making him wince. "Ow! What?"

Erza glared then nudged her head towards Natsu's direction. Gray grumbled and turned his head.

"I missed a chance. A now she's married. and i missed a chance. and now he's married." A depressed Natsu grumbled over again. Gray panicked and awkwardly patted him.

"G-go get him buddy." He said.

"First he makes Mira cry and now it's depressing Natsu. What are you a whle being of negativity?" Carla asked.

"Shut up stupid cat!" Gray yelled. Erza hit him again and pointed at the even more depressed Natsu and an equal depressed Carla. Gray awkwardly pat their backs. "Hang in there." He muttered.

"Oh Gray-san." Wendy said. "A mega being of negativity. " Erza grumbled.

"Um. Excuse me?" They all turned to see a boy slightly shorter than 5'6's height. He was somewhere 5'4 and looks like a 12 year old. "You're blocking the way." He said. They look at each other slightly confused on what the boy meant. He sighed and pointed between them. They all look and found a chinese structure flight of stairs leading up the mountain top. The group took a step back making a way for him.

"Thank you." He said simply and walk up the steps. "Hey kid!" Erza called. The green haired boy stopped in his tracks and looks at the mage curiously. "Yes?" He responded politley.

"Why are you walking up to the shrine?" She asked. The kid blinked and tilted his head, his blue striking eyes showing amusement. "What Shrine?" He asked. Gray rolled his eyes. "Well obviously the stairs are leading up a mountain. Not to mention its chinese texture so maybe i don't know you're suppose to be going to a shrine?" He said sarcastically. "You blind or what?"

"Yeah kid. Aren't you suppose to be at school?" Natsu asked. The boy blinked and gave an innocent smile. "Jeez. Tough crowd." The two boys felt immediatly guilty.

Erza hit both their heads. "Stupid Brats!" She scolded.

The boy sighed and tucked his hands in his pocket. "Well pinkie and darkie. This shrine you're talking about is a school. And if you're thinking these stairs are chinese textures then I think you melted your brain. This texture is from England and see the sign next to you?" The boy pointed towards their left and the goup followed. Their eyes widened when they saw what the sign said.

Crocus Elementry
"Take your first step on these England style stairs"

The boy smirked as the two men looks at him. "Have you ever thought of entering Crocus Elementry?" He asked. "Cause I think it will help you have a good use of those pretty little mouth."

The boys gaped at him while the girls, with Carla, tries to contain their laughter. "Good day." The boy bowed and ran up the stairs. Once out of ear shot, the girls burst out laughing.

"Boys. You just got owned by a kid!"

t h i r t e e n
Hey guys!
I have bad news!
Later on i might not be able to continue this story.
so if one of you will (willingly) continue the story,
it would be a big heelp!

This is just in case!
Bye guys!

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I don't know about sharing but do whatever! XD

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