19: Final

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Erza tilts her head as she looks at her pink haired friend

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Erza tilts her head as she looks at her pink haired friend. "Meredy."
Meredy looks at her and waves with a smile. "Yo, Erza."
Erza takes a seat next to Meredy, clearly interested in whateve topic they're on.
"So what are you guys talking about."

Jellal blushes madly and looks down with his fingers fidgeting. Meredy smiles at Erza sadly and replies. "Sorry Erzy. But we can't tell you."
Erza nods. She trusts Meredy and Jellal with all her heart, but it hurts that Jellal is keeping a secret from her.
Erza didn't want to be the clingy and jealous type. "It's alright, Meredy." She says quietly.

Meredy smiles sadly and Jellal frowns. They knew what Erza's like. She is very independent. She most likely wouldn't even let her weaknesses show- even to her family. Erza changed. She felt as if she doesn't do good enough job of protecting her family, then it's her fault. And Jellal did not want that..

"Oh Erza-"

Suddenly, a loud thundering boom occured outside. Meredy and Jellal turns, surprised, as Erza stands and changes into her [insert armor outfit] and takes off with Jellal and Meredy following close behind. The city left their mouths wide. Buildings fall and the earth cracks open.

"Erza! What was that?" Natsu yells at her as he follows Erza close behind.
Erza shook her head and reply, "I'm not sure."

"Erzie, we should evacuate the townspeople." Meredy claims.
"She's right. We need to keep them safe." Jellal states. Erza only nods.
"You're right. Jellal, Meredy, evacuate the town. Bring them to the tunnels under the palace. Natsu and I will take care of things." She states.
Jellal frowns an slows down as Natsu went ahead and Meredy proceeds to the plan.

Erza slows down with Jellal. "Why does Natsu get to go with you?" He pouts, obviously jealous.
Erza chuckles. "If Natsu and I do it, we will be destroying have the town instead." She smiles.

People starts screaming and running. Meredy scurries them towards the tunnels and knights rescue the people who was in danger of the falling buildings.
How does one kaboom creates utter chaos? Erza thought.
Jellal takes Erza's hand in his. "Erza.. " Jellal was scared. He was not ready to lose her.

"Jellal, I will be fine." Erza rests her forehead on his. He took easy breaths and smiles.
"I know. But just in case-" He turns Erza's hand and slid something onto her ring finger.
It was a beautiful gold ring decorated with small scarlet rubies.
Erza's eyes fills with tears. "Jellal."

He kisses her forehead. "When this is over, let's get married."
Erza nods. They share a long passinate kiss before they departure.

Erza's hand felt cold. But her ring finger was warm from the ring. Tears brimmed her eyes.
"Help!" Erza turns and sees a mother and child about to fall into the cracks. Erza immediately pulls the woman up.
"Thank you.." Erza nods. "Head to the palace! You'll be safe there!"

The woman nods and runs to the palace. "Erza!" She turns at the sound of her name and sees Natsu and the others, including Lucy, Melody, and Happy.
She runs towards them. "Lucy, Melody, Happy, everyone!" She reaches them.

"Erza what's happening?" Levy asks as she holds her child close.
"I'm not sure." She replies.
"The grounds are unstable! It's only a matter of time before it collapse!" Gaia yells. Erza's eyes widen.
"Wait- Collapse?! Jellal, Meredy, and the people are in the palace tunnels!" She panicks.

"Don't worry. The palace is strong enough to hold the ground." Lucy confirms.
There went another KABOOM and the ground shakes harder then before. The children held onto their mothers as the father protects them.

Melody holds onto her mother before she realizes something. "Gramps!"
The members gasps as they look for the old man. "I don't understand.. he was here just a moment ago!" Mira yells.

"Gramps is protecting us." Melody's eyes glows blue.
"Melody?" Sasuke shakes her a bit. "Gramps is putting up some kind of force field."

She gasps. "Fairy Light!"
"Fairy Light!?" Erza yells.
Fairy Light was the most powerful protection spell. But it costs the Caster's existence.

A group of the Fairy Tail members gasps and runs in search of the master. Happy and Lucy ran with them without seconds thoughts.
"Melody! Stay here!" They call.
"Mommy! Uncle!" Melody calls out for them. Sasuke grabs a hold of her.
"Let go! Mommy and Uncle needs me!"

"Melody there's nothing you can do!"

"They need my help!" She argues. She yells and yells until she couldn't yell anymore because of her sobs. Mirajane kneels down and hugs the sobbing child.

"Everyone!" They all turn and see a big bright light heading for them. "What is that?!" Lissana yells.
"Everyone hold onto each other!" Elfman yells.

Everyone held onto each other and Melody stays in Sasuke's arms. Mirajane and Lissana holds the children close to them. And not a second later the light devours them.

And soon, the light devours the group.


Jellal leads the people out of the tunnel. And what they saw? Chaos. Everything was turned black- burned to ashes.
Meredy gasps at the sight. Jellal's eyes widens. "Erza!"

"Erza!" The rest of the guilds came out safely and begin calling out for any survivors.

"ERZA!" Jellal yells.

"JUVIA! EVERYONE!" Meredy calls out.

Later that day they came upon a pile of ashes. Jellal found Natsu's scarf buried in it.

"No.. It can't be.." Meredy's eyes tears up as she covers her mouth in disbelief.

Jellal takes in a deep breath. "ERZAA!"


12 years: Complete

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