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Erza stares hard at the object. Minutes go by, but seconds go by faster. It was her moment. Her moment of truth and challenge. Erza knew that if she tok this chance, she may very well regret it later in life.

"Uhhh Erza? Are you going to buy it or nah?" Evergreen asks as she pushed up her classes. Evergreen was standing beside Erza for the past 10 minutes, waiting for her to make a choice. The dress Erza was glaring at was stunningly beautiful.

It was deep scarlet, much more like Erza's hair. It gave this mysterious and matured aura. There was a ribbon that was wrapped around the waist of the dress, it was black and the long elegent skirt was accomponied by a black lacy fabric that veiled over it.

"Come on Scarlet. Make a choice!" Evergreen whines. "Okay okay! Sold!"

"Thank you, Miss!" A worker bowed before Erza and Evergreen as they walk out. Erza giggles at the looks of the dress like a little child.
"Erza you're being crazy."
"No, I'm being grateful. The new Magnolia's stylists is out of this world!" Erza screams from the top of her lungs.
Evergreen smacked her hands over Erza's mouth. "Shut up. and we're in Crocus you idiot."

"Right, right." Evergreen scoffs as she looks at Erza. Why was she acting like this you ask?
Erza is going on a date with Jellal. Since it has been 12 years of traveling around Fiore, this date was clearly not the first.
Evergreen sighs. "Of course, nevertheless, Erza always gets excited. Though Evergreen can't blame her. Imagine what Erza have to go through
when Evergreen was looking for a dress in a freakin full 8 feet long walk in closet.

"Do you think Jellal's going to propose to you Erza?" Evergreen asks.
Erza blushes and her ears turned red. She heard this everytime but she always fails to keep her blush.
She twirls a string of her scarlet hair around her finger like a hopeless girl.
Evergreen knew Erza loves Jellal very much.
Erza sighs and smiles sadly. "I doubt it. We've been dating for 6 years ya know? 6 years and look where I'm still at. Everyone's married- aside from Natsu- and have kids -again aside from him- while me and Jellal always go out and date and kiss. but never pass that."

Erza puts the dress in her invetory as she kicks the dirt beneath them.
"Oh Erza." Evergreen sighs.
"But it's fine! I'll still keep on waiting." She smiles.

"I will wait, and wait, and wait.." Erza chuckles. Evergreen knew she wants to cry so she hugs her.
Erza sniffles and hug her back. This was not her character, but even the strongest of women needs to break a bit.

And Evergreen knew that very well.

Damn you, Fernandez.

After shopping a few more times, Erza came back with shopping bags overflowing her arms.
"Umm. Erza? Do you need help?" Erza turns to see Athena, with her small cute petite self staring at Erza in concern.

"Oh Athena. It's good to see you." Erza smiles. Athena returns the smile and replies. "Yeah. I just got back from seeing my sister back in Web Valley."

"How strange to live in such place." Erza chuckles. Athena smiles as she agrees with Erza. "Apparently she likes the flying fish."

Erza tilts her head. "She does?" Athena nods then shudders. "I never liked them.. they had this.. bland feeling."

Erza looks at the indigo headed girl. "Is that so?" She quietly said. She never noticed that before. They always look like fish to her, well, flying fish but still. She can't deny the fact that they were indeed bland despite being colorful.

Nah, maybe I'm overreacting. But Erza could not sober the feeling of unease.

"Ne, Erza-san? What's the occasion anyway?" Erza snaps out of it.

"Oh right! My date! See you later Athena!" Erza calls to the little girl as she runs to get ready.

Athena giggles and smiles. Lu-cky.


Erza came in the Island 8 resturaunt in her normal wear.

Her outfit consists of blue jeans and a undershirt covered by a thin jacket. Erza smiles at her choice of outfit and looks around the cafe.

She was looking for her blue head boyfriend.

She spots him soon at the corner. There was Jellal, in his cargo pants and army T-shirt. He has a smile on his face.

But what Erza noticed is that he was with a girl...

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