Chapter 33

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"What the fuck!" A voice boomed from the end of the garden, my head snapped towards the figure; Harry's figure. he began stomping towards us, Holly nowhere in sight.

"Woah woah Harry what's up man!" Finn stood up and began walking towards him but was soon stopped when a punch was thrown to his nose. I screeched as I watch Harry straddle his step brother and repeatadly punch him over and over again. Before I could even try and pull harry off of him, Holly came running down the Garden screaming as Finn threw a punch at harry's stomach and then his mouth. How I hated that girls guts, her abnoramally long tanned legs that Harry seemed to love oh so much. She began to pull Finn off Harry.

"Finn stop you'll kill him!" She screamed but he pushed her away and began throwing punch after punch at Harry, lucky Harry seemed to block most of them but still took quite a few hits, aswell as returning some to Finn. I ran over to Harry and pulled him back by his bicep, he lifted his arm to push me away and I flinched, covering as much of myself as I could with my arms.

When I felt nothing I looked up and saw Harry staring at me intently with wide eyes. His mouth slightly parted.

"Shit Lola, I would never hit you" He quickly spoke. I didn't reply and looked away. "Holly and Finn leave, now." He spoke sternly yet they didn't repsond, just continued standing there and watching us like lemons. "NOW!" He screamed and they both obeyed. As soon as they walked away Harry took a step closer to me and before I could walk away, he pulled me into his warm musculer body, engulfing my frightened figure in his large arms and resting his chin on my head.

"Lola, baby, I would never hit you. I'm so so sorry" He apologises, I believe him, I do. It's not that i'm upset about though, it's him and Holly, the idea of her touching his body makes me feel physically sick to my core. Although before I could reply he pushed me away from him. "Wait, why the fuck were you playing tonsil tennis with my step brother! Do you know how much that hurt me!" He yelled, probably louder than I've ever heard him shout before. My eyebrows furrow in confusion. Fricking hypocrite!

"And how do you think I felt when you and your step sister were fucking!" His eyes widen. "Oh, did you not think I noticed Harry. I knew nobody here, I came here for you! The second you saw her you were practically eye fucking her whilst I was right beside you! How do you think that fucking felt! I'm not a virgin Harry, it's not like you have to wait for me, but now i'd rather sleep with anyone but you! I yell, turning away from him and walking away. But before I could even get halfway to the house, a large hand wrapped around my wrist, I turned my face away from him so I didn't have to see those green eyes that I had recently grown so acustomed to, but he gently tilted my chin to look up at him but to my surprise hewasn't angry nor annoyed, but upset. He eyes were filled with sorrow and regret.

"Lola I didn't sleep with her." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "I'm not going to lie, I was going to and fuck did I want to, but she wasn't you! When we were upstairs, I realised what I was doing and i don't want to ruin things between me and you anymore than I already have." He says, pulling me closer towards him and wrapping the arm thats not holding onto my wrist, around my waist.

"What are we doing Harry? One minute you're calling me baby and we're kissing every opportunity we get, and then the next you're off with any other girl you can find. I don't know what we are. And i'm not the type of girl that usually cares about relationships and all that soppy shit, but I can't deal with this! I don't know what it is about you Harry, but I just can't keep away" I pour my feelings out, I don't know why or how I am managing to let everything out, but it's just happening; and i'm not doing anything to stop it!

"Why is it that we've been together for two days, yet we've argued more times than I have with my own step dad, we've already been banned from seeing each other, I introduced you to my fucking parents, i've told you things i'm not comfortable with telling anyone else, and that I am falling for you more and more every single day. I mess things up when I'm scared Lola, and right now; i'm scared. I've never felt for anyone what I feel for you" Before either of us say anything else, I crash my lips against his, one of my hands find the back of his neck whilst the other gets tangled in his hair, whereas his roam around the small of my back and hips.

Right now I don't care if his knuckles or his nose is bleeding, I just want him close to me. He pulls away and gently takes my hand in his, leading me indoors.

"Wait Harry, your face!" I point out, i'm not sure it would be a great idea walking into a house full of relatives with a bloody face.

"You can do it" He smiles cheekily and I blush, I love the idea of clearing his wounds up. I get jealous at the thought of anyone else doing it.

"C'mon, i'll show you my old childhood bedroom" 

Double update guys!!! Woooo x

So I went to see one direction in concert, and I was at the barrier!! Liam wiped his face on a towel and threw it into the crowd and I caught it! It was by far the best day of my life. And Harry is even cheekier on stage than I thought!!!

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